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Forschungsinformationssystem Agrar und Ernährung

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Lessons from the tsunami 2004 in Aceh: Mitigation or aggravation through trees? Modeling the effect of coastal vegetation on tsunami impact in West Aceh, Indonesia


Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz

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Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz

Förderkennzeichen: 81107373
Laufzeit: 01.01.2009 - 30.06.2011
Fördersumme: 59.257 Euro
Forschungszweck: Angewandte Forschung

Goal: A modeling tool that can assist coastal land-use planners in developing safer and economically viable vegetation barriers to mitigate the impact of a potential future tsunami. Purpose: To develop a robust model, an improved version of the existing one (Laso Bayas 2007) that explicitly considers the role of coastal vegetation as a tsunami mitigating factor. Additional data and evidence from a wider coastal area will be collected to validate and improve the model. Given the homogeneous off-shore factors (important to determine tsunami strength) of the West Aceh and surrounding coastal areas (such as bathymetry, coastal orientation and distance to epicenter), the area is ideal to validate the model in the field as well as to further develop it.

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