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Forschungsinformationssystem Agrar und Ernährung

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SFB 552: B6 - Kohlenstoffdioxidproduktion von Böden in natürlichen Wäldern verglichen mit Böden unter Kakaoanbau. Bedeutung von Auswirkungen von Dürren und Variabilität in der Landschaft


Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz

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Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz

Förderkennzeichen: DFG SFB 552
Laufzeit: 01.01.2006 - 01.01.2011
Forschungszweck: Grundlagenforschung

The main goals of this sub-project are: * To estimate the effects of natural and experimental droughts and consecutive rewetting on the soil CO2 production and efflux in natural forest and cacao agroforestry ecosystems. * To identify the environmental controls on spatial variation in soil CO2 efflux in the natural forest during the wet and the dry season. Central hypotheses for the first goal of B6 are: a) the natural forest has mechanisms like deep roots to reduce impacts of ENSO droughts. b) The cacao agroforestry system is not well adapted to ENSO droughts. The hypothesis to test for the second goal is that a considerable part of the naturally occurring spatial variation in soil CO2 efflux can be explained by landscape and soil properties. We will use a combination of measurements of CO2 efflux and concentrations, with modelling of CO2 transport in soils and statistical models to test these hypotheses. Our Indonesian counterpart plans to study the effects of an experimental drought on CH4 and N2O dynamics.

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