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Forschungsinformationssystem Agrar und Ernährung

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Übersicht der Förderer

Institut für Röntgenphysik (IRP)



The Institut für Röntgenphysik (IRP) is dedicated to the development and application of modern x-ray scattering and imaging methods to complex fluids and biomolecular matter. The main research tools are interface sensitive x-ray scattering, coherent x-ray scattering, x-ray waveguide optics, lenseless holographic x-ray imaging, zone plate based x-ray microscopy as well as to elastic and inelastic neutron scattering techniques. Experiments are carried out both in-house and at national and international sources of synchroton radiation and neutron reactors. The main research aims are directed at the structure, dynamics, assembly and interaction of biological macromolecules in biomimetic lipid bilayer systems and biomaterials.

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  • Forschung

Übergeordnete Institution

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen


Institut für Röntgenphysik (IRP)
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1
37077 Göttingen

Telefon: +49 (0)551/39-5556
Fax: +49 (0)551/39-94 30

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