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SFB 552: B5 - Auswirkungen von ENSO-Trockenperioden und Landnutzungspraktiken auf die Dynamik von C, N und P in Böden eines tropischen Regenwalds und Agroforst-Systemen in Zentral-Sulawesi, Indonesien


Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz

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Umwelt- und Ressourcenschutz

Förderkennzeichen: DFG SFB 552
Laufzeit: 01.01.2006 - 01.01.2011
Forschungszweck: Grundlagenforschung

The project aims to characterize the response of soil nutrient (N, P) and soil carbon storage and dynamics to experimental drought and land-use practices in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. In a throughfall exclusion experiment the impacts of a moderate and a severe drought and subsequent re-wetting cycles in a natural tropical forest and in a cacao agroforest will be analysed with regard to soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and N, P and C turnover and availability. Responses of nutrient availability to different land-use management practices such as N-fertilisation and weeding activities are studied in cacao agroforestry systems. By this project we hope to improve our knowledge about relevant processes for nutrient dynamics and the preservation of forest and agricultural ecosystem functions and services.

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Institut für Geographie

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