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Search for: fh62VKoX2FU0lEOwkF43GA7tzz7cUk55eQG9OuEGpGyuFcwfwqofu1SOH9bhwXJO, 10 of 7482 Results


Relevancy: 14%

Actual and potential recreation value of forests in Germany (Project)

... of the forests), which might be attainable e.g. by specific recreation facilities or by more nature oriented forest... were collected by 1.011 personal interviews from a representative population sample. Additionally 1.049 answers...

Funding period: 2011 - 2013

Relevancy: 47%

Adam Mickiewicz University (Institution)

... border. The University currently employs nearly 2,800 teaching staff, including 318 tenured professors, 454 AMU professors and 1,514 doctors and senior lecturers. Our professors coordinate or are partners in 18 research projects funded by the European Union Framework Programmes 6 and 7. AMU researchers...

Relevancy: 19%

Adaptation and evaluation of a new CMS-system (Cytoplasmatic-Male-Sterile) for breeding of carrot habrids as well as establishment of a resistance test to Alternaria dauci (Project)

...Project aims: 1. Establishment of a new CMS-system for carrot hybrid breeding based on a cytoplasm of Daucus carota maritimus. 2. Phenotyping and evaluation of test hybrids to compare different hybrid systems. 3. Application a micro-vigor test for evaluation carrot hybrids. 4. Establishment of a resistance...

Funding period: 2018 - 2021

Relevancy: 20%

Adaptation and host-parasite interactions of oak trees in the climate change - APEK (Project)

... and enzymes like e. g. ascorbate (vitamine C). Under arid climates there are increased tannin contents... through atmospheric CO2 enrichment. This will make oak trees vice versa better meet drought constraints. They can close their stomata for longer periods without suffering from CO2 starvation. The antioxidative system...

Funding period: 2014 - 2017

Relevancy: 11%

Adaptation of alpine pollinators in times of global change (Project)

...ADAPT investigates how pollinators respond to climatic changes. We explore this at different levels of biological organization, i.e. from a molecular level up to the communtiy level. Junior research group in the Bavarian climate research network (bayklif)...

Funding period: 2018 - 2023

Relevancy: 7%

Adaptation of the decision support tool Pasture Base to North German conditions to optimise grazing (Project)

... data will be applied and validated on further farms. The Grassland Centre of Lower Saxony / Bremen e...

Funding period: 2020 - 2023

Relevancy: 23%

Adaptation strategies of beech forests to changing environmental conditions at different management intensities (Project)

... Consequently, forests can be weakened in their function as a CO2-sink and, given enough disturbances, even can turn into CO2-sources. It is yet unknown if and how the forest structure, as an expression of forest... The forest structure, C and N fluxes as well as tree-physiological parameters will be assessed along a...

Funding period: 2019 - 2022

Relevancy: 23%

Adaptation strategies of beech forests to changing environmental conditions at different management intensities (Project)

... Consequently, forests can be weakened in their function as a CO2-sink and, given enough disturbances, even can turn into CO2-sources. It is yet unknown if and how the forest structure, as an expression of forest... The forest structure, C and N fluxes as well as tree-physiological parameters will be assessed along a...

Funding period: 2019 - 2022

Relevancy: 23%

Adaptation strategies of beech forests to changing environmental conditions at different management intensities (Project)

... Consequently, forests can be weakened in their function as a CO2-sink and, given enough disturbances, even can turn into CO2-sources. It is yet unknown if and how the forest structure, as an expression of forest... The forest structure, C and N fluxes as well as tree-physiological parameters will be assessed along a...

Funding period: 2019 - 2022

Relevancy: 1%

Adaptation strategies of forest hygiene facing an increasing potential of pathogens in vulnerable regions with regard to climate change and the growing number of restrictions. Subproject 1 (Project)

Precipitation deficits caused by geographical and seasonal effects lead to a growing risk of abiotic and biotic stress for forest ecosystems (such as drought, fire, pest infestations, or disease). This effect is explicitly men-tioned in the current IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) assessment report on climate change as accelerating factors influencing the predicted emission...

Funding period: 2014 - 2017