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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Projects of the funding programme "BMEL - Decision Support project (EH-Vorhaben)"

Comparative studies on the supply of air in pig houses in terms of energy efficiency, emission events, animal well-being and economic efficiency

Project code: 2808HS040
Excutive institution: Education and Knowledge Centre Boxberg, pig-rearing, pig-breeding (National Institute for pig breeding)
Contract period: 2009 - 2012


Comparative studies on the supply of air in pig houses in terms of energy efficiency, emission events, animal well-being and economic efficiency

Project code: 2808HS042
Excutive institution: Institut für Agrartechnik (440)
Contract period: 2009 - 2012


Comparative testing of diagnostic of botulism in Germany

Project code: 2807HS032
Excutive institution: FLI - Institute for Bacterial Infections and Zoonoses
Contract period: 2008 - 2011


Compilation and evaluation of analytical methods for the official feed inspection

Project code: 04HS027
Excutive institution: Association of German Agricultural Analytic and Research Institutes
Contract period: 2005 - 2007


Concept development for the certification of cod using the transponder technology

Project code: 04HS041
Excutive institution: Department of Logistics
Contract period: 2006 - 2007


Conditions and requirements for an integrated communication strategy on biological diversity and genetic resources in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food sector (including horticulture)

Project code: 05HS011
Excutive institution: ECOLOG-Institute for Social-Ecological Research and Education gGmbH
Contract period: 2005 - 2005


Consumer expectations regarding the use of wooden barrels and wood shavings in the production of wine and their identification in the labeling

Project code: 05HS004
Excutive institution: Center for Economics in Viticulture and Horticulture
Contract period: 2005 - 2005


Consumer policy analysis: Deficits in the acquisition of rights

Project code: 04HS058
Excutive institution: Institute for Foreign and International Private and Economic Law
Contract period: 2005 - 2006


Continuation of the method development for detection of Alaria alata mesocercariae

Project code: 2810HS017
Excutive institution: Institute of Food Hygiene, Center of Veterinary Public Health
Contract period: 2010 - 2012


Contribute to the assessment of the resilience of potato populations against cancer through use of efficient test methods, in this example by using PCR analysis

Project code: 2806HS019
Excutive institution: LfL - Institute for Plant Science and Plant Breeding
Contract period: 2007 - 2011


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