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Saxony State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG)
Section overview
- Research
- Funding
Subordinate institutions
Coordinated projects
- Accompanying research on strip plots of fast-growing tree species in agricultural practice
- Actual status and reduction potentials of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in Saxony
- Ad-libitum milk feeding of calves in individual pens
- Agricultural measures to improve the supply of food and habitats for birds of the agricultural landscape
- Analysis and evaluation of breeding of the German Horse in sports
- Analysis and evaluation ofWEREX-V ensembles regarding the presentation of extremes in Saxony
- Analysis of nitrogen management practices operated in Saxony
- Analysis of the effectiveness, particularly of waters-structural measures to achieve the environmental objectives of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) by the example of waters inhabiting microbes ('benthic invertebrates')
- Apple shoot addiction in Saxony
- Assessing flood mitigating effects due to land use change (MinHorLam)
- Assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of livestock farming in large plants
- Behavior of selected veterinary use in the biogas production from manure
- Bioaerosols from plants of poultry farming
- Bird protection in large-scale farms
- Climate change and water balance in Saxony - linkage nutrient balance
- Climate change and water balance in Saxony - Part Minimum water runoff - Low water values and average flows
- Climate change and water balance in Saxony (climate projections)
- climate change and water balance in Saxony (core component)
- Climate change and water balance in Saxony (part 2)
- Climate change and water ballance in Saxony - Overall Project
- Climate change and weather patterns
- Climate change impacts on water-dependent ecosystems, Subproject 2
- Climate monography Saxony (KLIMOSA)
- Climate related cultivation strategies - Irrigation
- Climatically relevant carbon storage and dynamics as well as basic nutrient availability in cultivated soils after 20 years of conservating tillage or direct seeding
- Collaborative project: Comprehensive communication and cloud networks for agriculture 4.0 and rural areas. Subproject
- Collaborative project: Development and testing of a farm management system for automation of operational processes using building referenced space-time data on the example of the milk production - subproject 6
- Collaborative project: Development and testing of a technique for electronic animal identification (EID) based on SAW technology to increase assurance of identification – Subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Development and testing of an animal location system using passive SAW transponders as part of stable management systems – Subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Development of an entire strategy including direct and indirect measures to replace resp. reduce the amount of copper applied in order to regulate fungal pathogens in organic fruit production
- Collaborative project: development of tools for the assurance of genetic quality of breeding programmes(QA @ Breeding) - Subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Evaluation of social housing practices for rearing and fattening calves using digital measurement technology to trace them from birth to transport and later stages of life - Subproject A
- Collaborative project: Experimental development of automated 3D image analysis system for the measurement of dairy cows and connecting informations with the herd management program to support decisions of the dairy farmers - subproject 4
- Collaborative project: Innovative methods of trait recording in dairy cattle as a basis of the modern breeding program of the Nord-Ost-Genetic – Subproject 6
- Collaborative project: Internet of Livestock - Technology transformation from industry 4.0 to livestock farming through small-scale networking of new intelligent sensors and actuators on animals - subproject C
- Collaborative project: Measurement and balancing of material flows in agricultural systems with the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Collaborative project: N-stabilization in fertilization practice: optimization by regionalization based on meteorological and edaphic parameters - subproject D
- Collaborative project: Nitrogen Stabilization and Subsurface Placement as Innovative Technologies Enhancing the Resource Efficiency of Fertilized Urea - subproject 8
- Collection and analysis of long-term measurement series from long-term monitoring areas
- Comparison of the cultivation of apples under single and multi-row hail protection net
- Comparison of the suitability of different stocks of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) for pond rearing using 'communal testing' and allocation of origin via microsatellite markers
- Comprehensive mapping of water erosion for Saxony EROSION-3D
- Conservation-oriented uses to erosion sites
- Consideration of fermentation residues in energy crop rotations
- Considering deposited rainfall in line with precise precipitation measurement
- Control of tomato russet mite in tomato under organic growing conditions - Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie
- Conversion of must apple plants to organic farming methods
- Cucumbers on the high wire
- Cultivation of (energy-) sorghum for biogas production in dry areas of Germany
- Cultivation of apples under hail net
- Cultivation of energy crops for sustainable commodity hedging
- Cut perennials spring
- DemoNetErBo: Exemplary demonstration network for expanding and improving cultivation and utilization of peas and beans in Germany
- Demoscopic study on the living conditions in rural areas of Saxony
- Determination and evaluation of key components of bioaerosols in the stall and exhaust as well as in the stable environment (windward / leeward) to provide key data for the emission of animal stables (pork / chicken / turkey)
- Determination of calculation principles for vegetables to implement environmental requirements of the Fertiliser Ordinance
- Determination of iron content in meat of different species
- Determination of location-specific differences in income for the evaluation of premiums of the compensation allowance by means of satellite-based earnings analysis.
- Determination of plant availability of harmful elements
- Development and comparison of optimized cultivation systems for agricultural production of energy crops under different site conditions in Germany - Phase III (EVA III). Subproject 1: Development and optimization of site-adapted cropping systems for energy crops in crop rotation regime on D-South locations (experimental site Trossin, North Saxony)
- Development and qualification of the area strategy of nature conservation and the strategy for the exemplary implementation of nature conservation areas on the property of Saxony
- Development and testing of systematic prophylactic measures for avoiding infectious claw diseases in Saxon dairy farms
- Development and usage of new implemented On-Farm-procedures for per-formance recording for health- and fertility traits on German Holstein Shortname: On-Farm-Recording (Breeding) - Subproject 1
- Development of a strategy to reduce or substitution of copper for scab control in organic fruit growing
- Development of algorithms to considerate cold air in modeling dispersion
- Development of cultivation systems for Saxony under the influence of climate change
- Development of management recommendations for small group housing systems for laying hens under practical conditions in comparison with aviaries
- Development of measures to combat the apple proliferation as an element of yield and quality in apple production - status determination to the occurrence of pear decline and its vectors in Saxony
- Development of measures to reduce the transfer of arsenic in soil systems
- Development of methods / procedures for leakage testing of liquid manure container
- Development of strategies for future implementation of the management of the LVG Köllitsch in terms of resource efficiency and land productivity while maintaining and developing existing natural assets (soil, water, air, biodiversity, animal welfare)
- Development of strategies to reduce water erosion on potato land
- Development of strategies to strengthen the cooperative environmental protection
- Differentiation of lactic acid bacteria and spore in feed
- Dust emissions from cattle farming
- Dynamic balancing of humus balance and nutrient leaching on a regional scale in the context of land use and climate change
- Dynamic storage management for apples
- Early detection of fertility disorders, udder diseases
- Eel Management in Saxony
- Eel population increase
- Effect of different perforation of the floor in the hind limbs of pigs when kept in crates
- Effects of application of burnt lime for disinfection and water conditioning to indigenous, especially flora and fauna relevant for nature protection on and in carp ponds
- Effects of current animal welfare criteria for economical pig production
- Embryo transfer horse
- Emissions from aquaculture facilities
- Emissions from laying hens husbandry
- Enclosures for pH stabilization of mining lakes
- Environment- and soil-sound use of biomass for energy production
- Erosion control optimization - Erosion protection in relief conditional discharge path
- Erosion control optimization on maize and sugar beet in hillside areas and gutters
- Evaluation of appropriate measures for reducing and prevention of behavioral disorders in pigs
- Evaluation of different methods for obliteration of the horn in calves up to the fifth week of life
- Evaluation of nitrogen dynamics in the environment of cattle facilities
- Evaluation of stress-reduction approaches to MES
- Evaluation the resource efficiencies of individual process sections of pig production with special reference to energy and water requirements as well as the recovery of energy
- Examination of the cultivation suitability and feed value of chicory and sainfoin components for grassland mixtures as an adaptation strategy to climate change.
- Exemplary demonstration network expanding and improving the farming and marketing of small seed legumes in Germany
- Feed, feed additives and feed processing forms
- Fertilization tests ornamental horticulture
- Field tests on small group husbandry
- Full supply of time-release (slow) fertilizers in pot crops (ornamentals) on outdoor water conveyance areas
- Further studies on the consequences of the cultivation of GM maize in Saxony
- Geothermal energy in Saxony horticulturists
- Greenhouse management for energy conservation in ornamental horticulture II
- Healthy dairy - (A) improve claw health through predictive, orthopedic claw care
- Healthy dairy - (B) Development and testing of a methodology for analyzing and evaluating the animal hygiene, animal welfare and animal health
- Healthy dairy - (C) Improving the calving hygiene by calving in individual boxes
- Heat storage ornamental horticulture
- Implementation of strategies to reduce erosion concerning the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and directive on the assessment and management of flood risks (2007/60/EC)
- Improve the stability of the posture of sows
- Improvement of the nitrogen efficiency of the organic and mineral N fertilization by application of the slurry strip-till-method as well as the N-injection
- Improvement of water supply in apple plants
- Improving protein quality of roughages in ruminant nutrition by using silage additives on the basis of condensated tannins. Subproject 1
- Increase efficiency by improving the substrate degradation
- Indicators for health care
- Influence of the exhaust air out of the stable climate and emissions in laying hens
- Influencing the quality of caviar by feeding and husbandry in the pre-ovulatory phase
- Interaction between irrigation and varieties of vegetables peas, bush beans, spinach and onions, taking into account the expected climate change Saxony
- Interaction between tillage, nutrient supply and plant
- Investigation of emissions at a hens shed type Natura 60
- Investigation of forms of irrigation using the example of potatoes. Task: Measuring soil moisture profile in the vegetation period under various experimental conditions, yield determination, determination of ingredients, studies on plant protection and fertilization management, soil testing
- Investigations into the causes of incorrect catches in European corn borer pheromone traps
- Investigations on the use of alternative co-substrates
- Investigations pesticide resistance and data managemet 'Information System Integrated Plant Production' (ISIP)
- Joint project: Agronomic, economic and ecological evaluation of sorghum species and hybrids as energy crops. Subproject 4: Übersetzung für Wirtschaftlichkeit, Inhaltsstoffe, Substrat Qualität und Biogas Stattdessen übersetzen mit Wirtschaftlichkeit, Inhaltstoffe, Substratqualität und Biogas Economy, ingredients, substrate quality and biogas
- Joint project: Sorghum cultivation techniques - to contribute to the diversification of the energy spectrum, sub-project 1: Evaluation of location, variety, Seed / rows and Mulchsaattechnologie energy Millet
- KHV Combat (Koi herpesvirus infection)
- KliWEP - The effect of land use / climate change scenarios on water resources (S)
- KliWEP estimation SRES scenarios on catchment water balance Parthe (S)
- Large scale cultivation of fast growing tree species
- Locating and monitoring the distribution of the river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) in Saxony
- Low-energy product ranges from pot cultures
- Management and set-aside activities at the field edge
- Management of performance during rise in feed costs
- Measures to reduce formaldehyde emissions with biogas-powered CHP
- Mechanical weed control in organic strawberry production
- Meeting the requirements of a demography village reconstruction - needs, existing activities and experiences as well as development of modification strategies for rural areas in Saxony
- Methane yield measurement with the Hohenheim biogas yield test (HBT) to evaluate the methane production of sorghum compared to corn
- Micronutrient status of soils in Saxony in 2010
- Monitoring of antibiotics from livestock in the environment
- More citizen participation in 'Integrated Rural Development'
- N dynamics in the environment of cattle systems - Assessment Procedures
- New earliness methods for cut perennials from open ground
- Non-chemical weed control on permanently preserving cultivated cropland
- Nutrient fertilization efficiency by injection under the influence of climate change
- Optimization of lightning protection for biogas plants
- Optimization of the cultivation practices of vegetable industry
- Optimization of using of mulchers for control against fusarium diseases and European corn borer in no-till farming
- Optimizing resource efficient cultivation concepts for quality assurance in apple under consideration of climate change
- Optimizing the growth curve in the calves and young cattle rearing to improve the health, fertility useful life of dairy cattle husbandry
- Part shock-specific N-fertilization on dry sites
- Pests situation in intensive crop rotations
- Phytoplasmas in fruit-Saxon
- Pork meat quality parameters
- Possibilities and limits of a successful milk production on grass based on high proportions in the ration and phase out animal feed imports
- Possibilities for hygienisation of manure and fermentation residues
- Practical testing to waive cropping beaks in laying hens
- Precautionary measures against European corn borer in tillage farming
- Production of berry fruit with optimum quality
- Promotion of decentralized, sustainable approaches to production and use of bioenergy in agriculture and forestry of the Free State of Saxony and public relations on the topic of energy crops
- Protective measures against the wolf
- Protein degradation of native feedstuff in the rumen
- Recording and optimization of carbon and nitrogen cycles of different cropping systems under consideration of climate change and EU WFD, project main focus I: Analysis of carbon and nitrogen cycles at representative locations (BDF) in Saxony
- Recording and optimization of carbon and nitrogen cycles of different cropping systems under consideration of climate change and EU WFD, project main focus II: Strategies for optimizing operational carbon and nitrogen cycles from different cropping systems
- Reduction of phosphorus use in ornamental on the plants requirements combined with high process reliability
- Regulation of Pflaumenwickler and Monilia
- Requirements on feeding and keeping boars in an economical way
- Review measures to improve animal health in dairy cattle herds Saxon
- Risk management in agriculture - business survey
- Source strength of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from soils
- Space-time lightning occurence in Saxony - Causes, phenomena, risks (BlitzSn) occurrence
- Statistical analysis of climatic development in Saxony in the past and future (1812 - 2011, 1961 - 2100)
- Strategies of Landscape Management
- Strategies to improve nitrogen efficiency in terms of the EU Water Framework Directive, climate change and adaptation to climate change
- Strip cultivation of fast growing tree species
- Studies of the variety spectrum at strawberries under the aspect of climate change and development of cultivation strategies the Saxonian growing conditions
- Studies on effect of nuisance odors of mast
- Studies on emissions and the harassment effect of odor from the broiler Poultry
- Studies on exploitation of mineral waste
- Studies on impact of management practices of carp ponds on the expression of the Koi herpes virus infection in Bavaria and Saxony
- Studies on the sustainable protection of humus of Saxon soils
- Studies on vulnerabilities in barn systems - Influence of the light spectrum of lighting units in laying hens husbandry
- Studies to improve nitrogen efficiency and the reduction of nitrogen emissions in the late fertilization of winter wheat
- Study on ways of monitoring exhaust catalytic converters regarding the of reduction degree of formaldehyde at CHP
- Suitability of new feed crop
- Suitability test of carp stocks (Cyprinus carpio L.) for fish breeding employing 'Communal testings' and assignment of provenance via SSR analysis
- Sustainable conversion to organic farming
- Sustainable cultivation and use of renewable raw materials and biomass in Saxony
- Sustainable farm strategies for the Saxon sheep farming
- Testing and evaluation of new forms of herd protection
- Testing and evaluation of plant strengthening agents in apple cultivation
- Testing of energy crop rotations for D-South locations for biogas production
- Testing of new methods of field performance of sheep
- Testing of the production of apples at a fruit wall
- The economic impact of climate change on the Saxon pond-economies
- Towards optimum organic matter concentrations in vegetable-cropped soils - LfULG
- Trace element supply of farm animals
- Update the state properties of groundwater and slack water influenced forest soils
- Usage of automated milking systems in the Saxon milk production
- Use of alternative fuels in the heating of greenhouses
- Use of innovative methods of improving the climate adaptation and nutrient efficiency in working groups under the EU Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD)
- Use of innovative technology to improve nutrient efficiency and reduction of washing out or otherwise flushing nutrients in waters taking into account climate change and the EU Water Framework Directive
- Vegetation dependent shielding effect of forests
- Web-based nutrient management in organic farming
- Weed competition eco-vegetable pea
- Yield impacts of climate change in Saxony
Coordinated projects of subordinate institutions
- Collaborative project: Assistance systems for intelligent cattle husbandry. Subproject 6
- Collaborative project: Development of an entire strategy including direct and indirect measures to replace resp. reduce the amount of copper applied in order to regulate fungal pathogens in organic fruit production
- Collaborative project: Optimizing sorghum crop production and knowledge transfer into agricultural practice, Subproject 3: Soil quality, biogas potential and economic efficiency
- Collaborative project: Sensor-based herbicide-free weed control in plowless peas and field beans. Coordination
- Improvement of ecological crop rotations for a regenerative, adapted nutritional management
- Joint project: Progress with competence and specialist knowledge for animal well-being, environmentally friendly and sustainable livestock farming. Subproject 12
- Studies to improve the nutritional properties of broad beans and peas for dairy cattle through combined fermentation-biological and thermal treatment
- Use of peat reduced growing media for cultivation of ornamentals. Subproject model region east
Involved in research projects
- Compilation and evaluation of analytical methods for the official feed inspection
- Control of the apple sawfly in organic fruitgrowing
- Coordinating the project Model demonstration network for broadening and improving the growth and use of small seedling leguminoses in Germany
- Data management across the project - Exemplary demonstration network for expanding and improving cultivation and utilization of soybeans in Germany
- Demonstration network expanding and improving cultivation and utilization of soybeans in Germany
- Detection of clone-site interactions in poplar and willow on agricultural sites in short rotation - ProLoc (income program / locus)
- Effect of different perforation of the floor area in the hind limbs of pigs when kept in crates
- Establishing a strategy to reduce the investment of copper for scab control in organic apple growing
- Hosting the model plants in Baveria of project Model demonstration network for broadening and improving the growth and use of small seedling leguminoses in Germany
- Joint project: Progress with competence and specialist knowledge for animal well-being, environmentally friendly and sustainable livestock farming. Subproject 14
- Mechanical soil treatment in pipfruit growing: Improvement of established methods on different locations and soil-types under consideration of economic aspects
- Network for developing concepts for organic fruit-growing
- Scientific project to study the unpleasant odour of poultry stable
- Soluble ammonium nitrate (= available to the plants) contents of inorganic substances in arable soils
- Status analysis of the genetic diversity of bred salmonids wirhin Germany
Saxony State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology
August-Böckstiegel-Str. 1
01326 Dresden
Phone: 0351 2612-0
Fax: 0351 2612-9099
Email: poststelle.lfulg(@)smul.sachsen.de