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Collaborative project: Utilization and conservation methods for forage foliage from agroforestry systems to improve nutrient supply and reduce methane emissions in small ruminants - Subproject A (FuLaWi)


Production processes

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Production processes

Project code: 281C705A21
Contract period: 01.06.2023 - 31.05.2026
Budget: 237,050 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: resource protection, resource efficiency, agroforestry, animal nutrition, other hardwood, small ruminants, animal feed, secondary crop ingredients, nutrient supply

The aim of this project is to investigate which harvesting and preservation methods work best for tree foliage from agroforestry systems and which types of foliage are preferred by small ruminants. In addition, the effects of fodder leaves on the digestibility, mineral supply and enteric methane emissions of small ruminants will be examined. Another part of the project is dedicated to applied research, in which decision-making tools will be developed in practical, socio-scientific and economic studies for farmers and consultants in order to establish and adapt agroforestry systems, while taking the respective site-related factors into account. The project results will be passed on to political decision-makers and research institutions in order to promote the expansion of agroforestry systems.

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