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Coordination, Implementation and Evaluation of the Soil Condition Inventory in forests (BZE)


Rural areas

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Rural areas

Project code: TI-WO-08-PID509
Contract period: 01.01.2001 - 31.12.2016
Purpose of research: Inventory & Assessment

The BZE characterises the condition of forest soils, identifies changes in forest condition since the first inventory and answers any new research questions, e.g., about carbon inventory. The BZE represents a national, systematic sampling inventory of the condition of forest soils. The first BZE inventory (BZE I: 1987-1993) was carried out on a systematic 8 x 8 km grid on the same sampling plots adopted in the forest condition survey (WZE). In some areas the network of sampling plots involves 1900 grid points. The first BZE I field survey was repeated after 15 years, between 2006 and 2008, by the national and the state authorities in cooperation. Afterwards, extensive laboratory and statistical analyses were conducted.The Thünen -Institutes of forestecosystems coordinates the evaluation with 35 experts. The ferdal states are resonsible for the assessment, anaylsis and evaluation of their own data. The national forest inventory focus on. - Status and changes of soil and forests condition - Impacts on envirnomental factors like atmospheric deposition or climate on soil and crown condition, growth, vegetation and tree nutrition as well as biodiversity. Wellbrock et al (2006): Aufnahmeanleitung zur Bodenzustandserhebung im Wald. Gutachterausschuß forstliche Analytik (2006): Handbuch der forstlichen Analytik. BMELV.

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Framework programme

BMEL Frameworkprogramme 2008

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