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Principles and strategies for the procurement of high quality and adaptable forest reproductive material under climate change (AdaptForClim)


Climate change

This project contributes to the research aim 'Climate Change'. What are the sub-aims? Take a look:
Climate change

Project code: 28WB415203
Contract period: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2019
Budget: 649,848 Euro
Purpose of research: Basic research
Keywords: forestry, plant breeding, climate (climate relevance, climate protection, climate change), forest genetics, genetic resources, forest genetic resources

Sustainable wood production starts with forest seeds and plants to establish new forest generations. The project 'AdaptForClim” provides the knowledge base and strategies for the provision of high-quality and adaptive forest reproductive material. It aims to offer forest managers and owners economically and ecologically interesting alternatives with the changing climate to conventionally used material. This includes the maintenance of a wide genetic diversity to react to changes in climate, as well as genes that warrant outstanding growth, good quality and a high resistance against extreme weather events. The increased growth potential contributes to a higher CO2 fixation, while a better quality is prerequisite for a repeated use of wood before it is finally used for energy production (cascade use of wood). 'AdaptForClim” is based on selected and propagated plus-trees from the project 'FitForClim”. This material will be saved in clonal archives that provide the baseline for high-quality future seed orchards. This program will provide a total of 4,200 plus-trees (Douglas-fir 800, Norway spruce 600, Scots pine 550, larches 450, oaks 900 and Sycamore maple 900) for future breeding activities in Germany. The following working packages will be part of project component 1: WP 1: Coordination of the cooperative and project component 1 WP 2: Establishment of clonal archives WP 3: Concept for new provenance and progeny trials that is essential to realize the breeding strategy WP 4: Establishment of one site of the Douglas-fir progeny trial series WP 5: Concept for seed orchards under consideration of genetic diversity WP 6: Transformation of clonal progeny trials of spruce to seed stands WP 7: Establishment of 4 sites of oak progeny trial WP 8: Procurement of plant material for physological tests on plus-tree grafts.

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