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Formulation of recommendations for sustainable floodplain-forest management tested for their practicability and with a particular focus on poplar forests to optimize the forest functions biodiversity, income and climate protection, with special regard to climate change and ash dieback disease (Auwald_Klimawandel)


Climate change

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Climate change

Project code: 28WC411002
Contract period: 01.02.2018 - 31.12.2020
Budget: 266,245 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: oak, other hardwood, risk management, bog forest, riparian forest and rain forest, forest conversion, climate (climate relevance, climate protection, climate change)

Future-oriented and practicable concepts are currently needed for a sustainable floodplain-forest management due to ash dieback disease, changes in tree species’ vitality as a consequence of climate change, the expensive cultivation of oak forest stands as well as nature-conservation issues (abandonment of poplar monocultures). Concurrently, the importance of floodplain forests for floodwater and climate protection as well as the protection of biodiversity must be taken into account. In the present project, floodplain-forest development types will be defined in a practical context, which will withstand the challenges mentioned above. Forest management measures will be suggested for test sites, implemented and their practicability tested. The effects of climate scenarios on the usability of targeted tree species for forestry will be analyzed. Ecological, economical and climate-protection-related data will be collected, analyzed and assessed in study sites. The relationship between these three sectors will be demonstrated and formulated into future-oriented forest development types, taking the effects of climate change into consideration. The results will be translated into practice via an implementation guide and information material (printed media) for forest owners and managers. An indicator system and monitoring concept for the assessment of the state of a floodplain-forest site will be developed in regard to the three sectors named above. The present project is structured into different blocks, which partly run in parallel and build on one another: implementation and test phase for forest services data collection and analysis in the sectors ecology, economy and climate protection including effects of climate change assessment of test-site conditions related to the three sectors named above synthesis of the assessments, definition of forest development types, indication system and monitoring, implementation guide.

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Excutive institution

Chair of Silviculture

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