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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

All Projects on the sub-field of research "Development and implementation of information services in as training, seminars, case studies or simulations about securing the storage of carbon and increased binding of CO2 and of measures for adaptation to climate change in the context of sustainable, orderly forestry"

Climate protection by small forest holdings for the benefit of owners and society

Project code: 28WC503698
Excutive institution: wald-wird-mobil.de gGmbH
Contract period: 2015 - 2018


Climate protection by small forest holdings for the benefit of owners and society, Sub-project 2: Development of incentives for small forest holdings

Project code: 28WC503697
Excutive institution: Institute for Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation Bühl
Contract period: 2015 - 2018


Climate protection by small forest holdings for the benefit of owners and society. Subproject 2: Developing offers for small private forests

Project code: 28WC503699
Excutive institution: Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics
Contract period: 2015 - 2018


Forest climate path in the Berlin Grunewald. Importance of forests for the climate and adaptation to changing climate conditions - Berlin-WK-Pfad

Project code: 28WA500801
Excutive institution: National Forestry Office Berlin
Contract period: 2014 - 2017


Motivation Workshop Forest and Climate - Educational modules for climate protection through forest and wood - MoWaKli

Project code: 28WC5028
Excutive institution: Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald, Bundesverband e.V.
Contract period: 2015 - 2018


WaldKlima-App - Smartphone app and thematic geocaches to communicate the Forest Climate Fund topics Forests and climate change and CO2 sequestration by forests - development and launch

Project code: 28WC506201
Excutive institution: UDATA - Umwelt und Bildung - Dr. Jörg Scherzer
Contract period: 2015 - 2017


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