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Overview of funding institutions
Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein (LWKSH)
Section overview
- Research
Subordinate institutions
Coordinated projects
- Acidification of slurry and digestate during application to growing crops
- Air seeding - sowing catch crops and undersown crops by drone
- Biological soil disinfection for the sustainable and intensive production of woody plants
- BonaRes (Modul A, Phase 3): ORDIAmur - overcoming the post-harvest disease using an integrated approach, TP C
- BonaRes (ModulA, Phase 2): ORDIAmur - Overcoming Replant Disease by an Integrated Approach - subproject C
- Cattle innovation network - sustainable cattle farming in Germany, taking into account animal welfare, environmental impacts and social acceptance
- Collaborative project: Farm and mass flow management - networked agricultural economy in Schleswig-Holstein. Subproject 3
- Demonstration farms Integrated Plant Protection - Production sector arable farming in Schleswig-Holstein, coordination by the chamber of Agriculture Schleswig-Holstein
- Demonstration farms Integrated Plant Protection - Production sector Vegetable Gardening in Schleswig-Holstein, coordination by regional council Schleswig-Holstein
- DeTail - Detection of Tail Biting
- Development of a concept for the economic feeding use of grain legumes for cattle, pigs and chickens in Schleswig-Holstein in organic and conventional farming
- Green Care
- Innovative technology in arable farming systems
- N efficiency in agriculture
- Nutrient Management in Grasslands
- Nutrient-efficient land concepts for grassland sites
- OnFarm Weather
- Pasture manager Schleswig-Holstein
- Quality preservation in ecologically grown carrots for long-term storage
- Sustainable yield increase in ecological cash cropping as a result of individually optimized catch cropping
- Tiergerechtheit Pferd
Coordinated projects of subordinate institutions
- Biological control of adult vine weevil (Otiorhynchinae), which have a harmful potential for tree nurseries - drafting basic principles for the development of a practice-relevant control method
- Collaborative project: (German) consortial project to prevent tail docking in pigs - subproject 6
- Collaborative project: Animal Welfare Label – Development of a market-conform animal welfare program in the pork chain – Subproject 6
- Collaborative project: Implementation of urea inhibitor formulation for ammonia mitigation as well as sustainable, animal and environmental friendly cattle husbandry. Subproject 6
- Collaborative project: Influence of different farrowing and rearing systems on animal welfare, animal health and economy in pig farming - an interdisciplinary approach. Subproject 4
- Collaborative project: Monitoring system for health and reproduction of group-housed gestating sows - subproject 3
- Implementation of measures to reduce veterinary drug use in piglet rearing by innovative consulting
- Joint project: Development of integrated pest management methods to control soil pests (weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus in gardening). Optimization and expansion of the nematodes used against weevil (Otiorhynchinae) and other soil pests
- Joint project: Progress with competence and specialist knowledge for animal well-being, environmentally friendly and sustainable livestock farming. Subproject 7
- Model and demonstration projects for practical implementation of peat-reduced substrates in tree nurseries - model region Pinneberg
- Nutrient-controlled slurry application
Involved in research projects
- Demonstration project: Indicators for the early detection of nitrate loads in crop cultivation. Coordination
- Evaluation of the processing quality of bread and non-bread cereals in official responsibility
- Identification of genetic factors influencing replant disease in apple
- Joint project: Progress with competence and specialist knowledge for animal well-being, environmentally friendly and sustainable livestock farming. Subproject 14
- Management of pasture parasites - Web-based decision trees: Forward planning of pasture management in ruminants to reduce exposure with gastrointestinal worms and to reduce use of veterinary drugs
- Monitoring the occurrence of soil-borne viruses in wheat, triticale and rye in the most important cereal growing areas of Germany
- Occurrence and damage of Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus-New York (SBWMV-NY) in winter wheat
Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein
Grüner Kamp 15-17
24768 Rendsburg
Phone: 04331/9453-0
Fax: 04331/9453-199
Email: lksh(@)lksh.de