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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Overview of funding institutions

NADIR The Network of Animal Disease Infectiology Research Facilities

Collaborative Project

Project code: 228394
Contract period: 01.04.2009 - 31.03.2013
Budget: 7495313 Euro
Coordinating institution: National Institute for Agricultural Research

NADIR has as its strategic aim to realise the potential European leadership in animal infectiology by bringing together 14 L3 animal experiment infrastructures and organising the facilities in order to optimize their investigation and diagnostic/validation tools, achieve economies of scale and use the saved resources to modernise existing facilities in a coordinated manner. To achieve these goals, NADIR will internally, upgrade the collaboration between the partners by setting an Internet-based joint workspace, strengthening the share of knowledge, best practices and ethical considerations, commonly managing biological resources, organising transnational access to the involved infrastructures, and jointly executing research activities designed to improve the services provided by these facilities externally, enhance access to the network?s infrastructures by setting up a electronic portal presenting all the infrastructures and services offered by the network in a unified way, providing access of non-member institutions to these infrastructures, coordinating actions with other relevant initiatives, and jointly presenting safety and ethical recommendations.

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Collaborative Projects

Project Management (MA)

Leading institution: National Institute for Agricultural Research

Fostering joint management of resources and interchange of services (NA1)

Leading institution: National Institute for Agricultural Research

Virtual college for improvement of animal infectious disease studies (NA2)

Leading institution: University of Nottingham

Internal and external communication (NA3)

Characterisation of animal lines (RA1)

Development of infection monitoring tools (RA2)

Development of infection models (RA3)

Research projects

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