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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

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LeguAN: Innovative and integrated value-added concepts for functional food and feed from grain legume crops local from cultivation to usage. Subproject 3: Evaluation of the success factors of currently remaining grain legume crops producers


Project code: 2815407210
Contract period: 01.10.2011 - 31.03.2015
Budget: 199,628 Euro
Purpose of research: Experimental development

Aim of this research project is the efficient and market-driven production of innovative food, feed and food and feed ingredients on the basis of domestic legumes such as pea and field bean. Moreover, new application fields for grain legumes are to be presented and the cultivated area of grain legumes is to be enhanced.In a SMART breeding approach grain legumes - rich in flavonoids - are obtained without negatively affecting the protein content or the protein composition. The increasing demand of high quality plant proteins and secondary plant metabolites is efficiently met by innovative technological approaches (e.g. plasma, high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric fields, UV-B radiation, solid matter fermentation), new product innovations are developed and scientific proof of the health promoting potential of the food and food ingredients based on legumes is provided. In human studies the anti-diabetic and vascular effects of products containing grain legumes are substantiated. Concurrently, the product development is accompanied by a target-oriented user integration study. In the development process the entire value chain is taken into consideration in order to be able to provide for sustainable development concepts and a high consumer acceptance on all levels from plant breeding to consumption.

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Excutive institution

Department of Agriculture

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