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Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL)
Section overview
- Activities
- Parent institution
- Subordinate institutions
- Networks
- Coordinated projects
- Work package leader of collaborative projects
- Coordinated projects of subordinate institutions
- Coordinated collaborative projects of subordinate institutions
- Subordinate institutions as work package leader of collaborative projects
- Involved in research projects
- Contact
- Research
Parent institution
Bavarian State Ministry for Nutrition, Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism (StMELF)
Subordinate institutions
- LfL - Institute for Agroecology and Organic Farming
- LfL - Institute for Plant Science and Plant Breeding
- LfL - Institute for Plant Protection
- LfL - Institute for Animal Breeding
- LfL - Institute for Animal Nutrition and Feed Management
- LfL - Department of Job Training
- LfL - Institute for Fisheries
- LfL - Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Animal Husbandry
- LfL - Institute for Agricultural Economics
- LfL - Institute for Food Economy and Markets
- LfL - Department quality assurance and investigation system
- LfL - Department of Information Management
- LfL - Bavarian State Farms in founding
- LfL - Educational, experimental and technical centre for dairy farming, grasslands and mountain farming Spitalhof
- LfL - Educational, experimental and technical centre for dairy industry Kempten
- LfL - Educational, experimental and technical centre for milk analytics Triesdorf
- LfL - Department of Administration
- LFL - Department of Laboratory Analytics
Coordinated projects
- Adapted feeding: Input and Output of Nitrogen and Phosphorus at the Training and Experimental Center of the Schwarzenau State Farm
- Applied Genomics: documentation, analysis and aquaculture potential of natural aquatic genetic resources: Arctic char populations (Salvelinus cf Umbla) in Germany
- Availability-ensurance and -improvement of organically produced red clover seed by development of selection methods for seed- and soilborne fungal diseases with the aim to breed sustainable resistant varieties
- Blunting of turkey hens - impacts on feed uptake, pecking causing injuries, beak anatomy and morphology
- Cattle innovation network - sustainable cattle farming in Germany, taking into account animal welfare, environmental impacts and social acceptance
- Collaborative project: Sustainable maintenance of grain maize production by improving classical resistance against the European corn borer– Subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Breeding of feed efficiency and reduced methan emission with milk cows - subproject 8
- Collaborative project: Ensuring high baking quality and nitrogen-use efficiency through optimization of storage protein composition and enzymatic activity - subproject 1
- Collaborative project: FUGATO-plus - FUGATO + brain - the development of an expert system to transfer the results of the functional genome research in livestock breeding programs; LFL Project: Implementation of real mating strategies and design optimization for QTL Verification
- Collaborative project: Genome-based strategies to use the tertiary gene-pool for breeding of climate-smart wheat - subproject 5
- Collaborative project: Phenomics, transcriptomics and genomics - an integrated approach to enhance selection for drought tolerance in barley - subproject 4
- Development of a concept for the coherent and differentiated remuneration of the environmental benefits of organic farming
- Development of a requirement profile for locally grown organic maize for human consumption produced in Germany in collaboration with the value chain as well as determination of its variety-specific relevant quality for healthy nutrition and processing - LfL
- Development of an immuno-selective method fot the determination of gluten protein subunits (glutenine and HMWGS) in wheat quality breeding
- Development of an immuno-selective method to determine glutenin protein sub-units (glutenine and HMWGS) in qualitay breeding
- Development of methods to control the planthopper Pentastiridius leporinus and the bacterial sugar beet disease SBR (syndrome of low sugar content) transmitted by this vector
- Development of plant protection strategies for organic hop as alternatives to application of copper and sulfur containing plant protection agents
- Development of thresholds for the effective combating of dwarf bunt (Tilletia controversa) and common bunt (Tilletia caries) and their practical application in organic farming
- Diversified arable farming for risk mitigation and sustainable climate adaptation
- EARL – Erosions and Runoff Laboratory
- Energy crop information and demonstration centres
- Energy crop information and demonstration centres 3
- Energy crop information and demonstration centres 4
- Establishing authochthonous predatory mites on hop farms by alternative strategies
- Exemplary demonstration network expanding and improving the farming and marketing of small seed legumes in Germany
- Feasibility study on fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) breeding for anthracnose and late frost tolerance
- First breeding processing and quality evaluation of selected Chinese medicinal plants that are suitable for cultivation in Germany (Phase II)
- FUNGAS - Enzymes of anaerobic fungi improve biogas yields from residues and enable biogas production in small biogas plants in the INTERREG-region
- Fusarium resistance in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum): Development and mapping of functional genetic markers using an integrated approach of expression and candidate gene analysis based on a validated QTL map
- Gestation analysis in practice to avoid slaughtering of little ruminants
- Gestation analysis in practice to avoid slaughtering of pregnant sheep and goats
- Innovative Ways of Regional Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resources in Domestic Chickens
- Knowledge transfer and demonstration network for expanding and improving the cultivation and utilisation of grain legumes in Germany - LfL
- Marker-assisted breeding for adaptation traits to improve yield and yield stability in soybean (Glycine max L.) - MABYSoy
- Model and demonstration project on integrated and sustainable crop production with adaptation to climate change and drought using breeding and digital resources in Bavaria
- More efficient biogas production from lignocellulosic residues by addition of aerobic and anaerobic fungi - subproject 1
- New crops for Agricultural Production in Bavaria
- Optimising strategies for weed control in medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation
- Pilot and demonstration project for humus building in hop production - LfL
- Pilot and demonstration project for humus building in hop production - LfL
- Potato breeding for stress tolerance and processing quality for organic farming - LfL
- Potentials for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Bavarian peatlands
- Practical feasibility of indicators to operationally self-control animal welfare in cattle farming
- Pre-breeding and development of breeding criteria for bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for use as a grain crop in Germany
- Rediscovery of regional ancient grain varieties for the sustainable production of organic food - ReBIOscover
- Rediscovery of regional ancient grain varieties for the sustainable production of organic food specialities
- Reducing Fusarium toxins in wheat through genomics - guided strategies
- Selection and breeding of nutrient efficient and late blight resistant potato breeding lines for sustainable organic farming
- Status quo analysis: identification of research needs for organic farming
- Supporting flower visiting insects by diversification in organic leys
- The optimization of ensiling untreated soybeans with corn grains to increase nutrient availability while reducing energy usage during feed processing and treatment.
- Using corn maize straw as a biogas substrate - its silage performance, economic processing and fermentability in the biogas unit
- Weed control in silage maize production with preventive and systematic measures within the design of crop rotation and cultivation
- Winter Lentil Genetic Resources to breed winter lentils for mixed cropping
Work package leader of collaborative projects
Coordinated projects of subordinate institutions
- 'Collaborative project: Development of a control module for automatic guidance of robot scrapers, devices for cleaning and scattering cubicles as well as selfdrive mixer feeders – Subproject 1'
- 12. Product Event Day Asparagus in the LfL
- A Multi tasking AI assisted Robot System for Individualized Management of Crops and Weeds
- A Systems Biology Approach to controlling Nematode Infections of Livestock
- Adding fibre-rich feeding in piglets rearing to minimize the effects of tail-biting
- Adopting soybean germplasm for cultivation in South Germany by implementing long-term private breeding activities with special focus on earliness, cold tolerance and protein yield
- Advanced cattle feeding on pasture through innovative pasture management
- Advancement of NIRS as a monitoring tool for producing biogas
- Advancement of NIRS as a monitoring tool for producing biogas and applying fermentation residues
- Agricultural markets in 2017
- Agricultural markets in 2018: Market compendium for education, consulting and politics
- Agricultural markets_2019_Market compendium for teaching, consulting and politics
- Agricultural markets_2020_Market compendium for teaching, consulting and politics
- Agricultural peatland and climate protection: Preparation of an interdisciplinary R+D project with a model farm (short project)
- Air cirulation in carp ponds
- Alternative NH3 reduction options for liquid manure spreading
- Alternative pest control methods with insect pathogenic nematodes to keep corn rootworm populations under the injury threshold
- Amarant a supplier for biogas rich in trace elements: Monitoring by flow-through fermenters
- Amaranth as trace element-rich biogas substrate: time surveys in flow fermenters
- Amaranth as trace element-rich biogas substrate: time surveys in flow fermenters
- Amendment of the TA Luft in Bavaria: consequences for animal welfare-oriented livestock farming and its location aspect - immission control vs. animal welfare?
- An Efector- and Genomics-Assisted Pipeline for Necrotrophic Pathogen Resistance Breeding in Wheat
- Analysing the use of straw/ nutritive feed doses in oxen growing out of suckler cow husbandry
- Analysis of alkaloid content in white and blue lupins
- Analysis of emmission factors derived from loafing yards and open air stables
- Analysis of genepools of grain legumes as a basis of new cultivar development programmes
- Analysis of the markets for selected eco-products in Bavaria - Development and potential of the organic dairy market and the markets for other organic products
- Animal welfare in aquaculture - studies to evaluate the stress for fish in semi-intensive and intensive fish farming in Bavaria
- Animal welfare-friendly pig feeding 'ProPig'
- Annual detection of Rhizoctonia and nematodes infestation in sugar beets in the Bavarian growing areas with geo-referenced location of the individual field areas
- Application of innovative breeding strategies to improve malting barley for organic farming
- Approval of a participatory cooperation platform with bavarian breeders, processors, organic grower associations and farmers to support variety development for the organic production
- Approval of participatory cooperation platform with bavarian breeders, processors, organic growers´ associations and farmers to support variety development for organic production
- Assessment on the basis of persistence of commercial breeding material of perennial rygrass to the conditions in Baveria
- Attempts to compost and recycling of hop chaff to optimize nutrient efficiency of organically bound nitrogen
- Automatic behavior and performance data collection of laying hens kept in groups
- Bavarian Biomass Resource Strategy - Scientific Basis and Recommendations
- Bavarian food hygiene in silage and validation of a roadmap for controlling the silo
- Bavarian Grassland Companion Database
- Bavarian joint research "FutureIOT - Smart integrative solutions to urban and agricultural areas", subproject: cow tracking
- Bavarian orchard survey - Bavaria-wide orchard stock survey and development of the Bavarian orchard information system
- Bavarian Wheat for Bread Making and Feeding under the Restrictions of the Fertilizer Ordinance 2020
- Bavarian Wheat for Bread Making and Feeding under the Restrictions of the Fertilizer Ordinance 2020
- Bayerischer Streuobstpakt: Practical guide to orchards
- BayKlimaFit: Strategies for the adaptation of crop plants to the climate change. Subproject 6: Validation of practice-relevant markers for breeding of climate-adapted and healthy barley plants
- BaZI cattle 2.0, further development
- BaZI cattle redevelopment
- Behavior characteristics and mothering in sows in organic farming - a contribution to breeding and restocking with self bred sows
- Benchmark system for biogas plants
- Biogas Initiative forAgriculture
- Biogas measurement program III
- Biogas technology for environmentally contractual Flussigmistverwertung and energy
- Biogas technology on environmentally compatible slurry recycling and energy production in water protection areas
- Bioindicators of biogas fermentation. Subproject 2: Microbial communities in single-phase systems
- BioRegio 2030 - Establishment and support of the eco-model regions of Bavaria
- BioRegio Bayern 2020 - Establishment and support of the Bavarian model regions
- BitterSweet - Stabilisation of alkaloid depletion on low level to ensure sustainable cultivation of white lupin
- Boar fattening with inulin in liquid feeding
- Boosting innovation in breeding for the next generation of legume crops for Europe
- Breaking of organic grass-clover swards
- Breeding and development of cultural methods for medicinal plants, used in the traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ), for Bavarian field cultivation
- Breeding and development of cultural methods for medicinal plants, used in the traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ), for Bavarian field cultivation
- Breeding hornless cattle
- Breeding of resistant hops especially suitable for the growth on low-trellis systems
- Breeding strategies for locally adapted dairy cattle farming in Baden-Württemberg
- Brief project "Identification of small-scale erosion hotspots on landscape level based on modelled soil inputs from farmland into aquatic ecosystems"
- Broadening of means for calculation of income options in production matters and diversification of agricultural plants (part 2)
- Calves of organic dairy farming in Bavaria - a status quo analysis and market potentials of cow-based calf rearing and organic veal fattening
- Carbon footprint milk and beef in Bavaria
- Cattle Innovation Network - sustainable cattle farming in Germany in consideration of animal welfare, environmental impact and social acceptance
- Cattle Monitoring with Pro Health - optimization approaches based on a multiplier survey
- CBCVd Research Project 2023
- Change to short-grass pasture in Kringell
- Changes in contaminant levels of agricultural soils by inputs from agriculture and the air path (permanent soil observation areas)
- Chemical availability of elements, nutrients and trace elements in the biogas process
- Classification 'Excellent Bavarian Cuisine' to promote the direct marketing of Bavarian agricultural products and foodstuffs in the gastronomy and strengthen the 'Bavarian Brand'
- Classification of greenhouse gas and energy balance of agricultural biogas installations
- Climate change and soil in Bavaria
- Climate tolerance in barley - from induction to gene function
- Co-ordination of research projects of the group biomass, information, public relations and linkage across Bavaria towards all matters related with subtrate production and trial performance in practice
- Cockchafer in the Bavarian Forest
- Collaborative project: (German) consortial project to prevent tail docking in pigs - subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Analysis of the use of gluten protein markers for selecting baking quality in wheat - subproject LBP
- Collaborative project: Barrier System for Avian Influenza in Free-range Poultry Farming – Subproject 4
- Collaborative project: Biotechnological based breeding strategy to strengthen the resistance of barley against Ramularia - Subproject 4
- Collaborative project: Breeding methods, performance and adaption of maize populations. Development of a diverse population for further approaches in science, breeding and practical agriculture
- Collaborative project: Determination of genetic diversity among Lolium perenne accessions with respect to drought tolerance as base for development of marker assisted selection methods and breeding of new cultivars adapted to climate changes – Subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Developing an sustanaible breeding project in German sheep breed with simultaneous use of rams. Subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Development and evaluation of an automatic optical sensor system for monitoring the body condition of dairy cows – Subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Development and evaluation of an optical sensor system to measure the feed intake of cattle and to provide feed according to their requirements - subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Development and optimisation of an automatic hop picking machine – Subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Development of a device for a fully automated wire suspension in hops – Subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Development of a machine to harvest the roots of the Russian dandelion (Taraxacum koksaghyz) as industrial raw material. Subproject 1: harvesting and crop trials (LfL)
- Collaborative project: Development, design, building and evaluation of components and machines to place and recover drip irrigation pipes in potato production (Opti-Tropf-Tech) - subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Development, testing and evaluation of a positioning system and its software applications for cattle on pastures in lowlands and mountainous regions based on GPS- and GSM-technology - subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Evaluation of anthracnose resistant breeding lines from white lupine aiming at the development of varieties with particular emphasis on agronomical features and technological processing processing performences – Subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Experimentation field 'Digitalization in the Milk Production Process Chain ' - Demonstration, testing and evaluation of the functionality, compatibility and interoperability of new digital products and services along the agricultural milk production chain. Subproject 1: Coordination
- Collaborative project: Finalizing of the GPS-GSM tracking system with software applications for cattle on mountain pastures - subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Further development of a controler unit for the autonomous guidance of manure removal, cubicle cleaning and bedding machines - subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Genome-based precision breeding for advanced quality hops. Subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Genomic indicators for boar taint, fertility and robustness in Landrace- and Large White populations
- Collaborative project: Identification of donors for effective restoration of male sterility based on cytoplasm of T. timopheevii and molecular characterization of P class PPR gene family as source of candidate genes for restoration - subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Identification, modification and use of resistance towards significant pathogens of barley - subproject D
- Collaborative project: Improvement in herd management through cost-effective, hybrid localisation and intelligent data integration - subproject F
- Collaborative project: Improvement of dairy farming by breeding strategies for feed intake, metabolism, and environmental sustainability under conditions of optimized feeding intensity and utilization of metabolism indicators and sensors in herd management - subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Innovative LED luminaire for increased demands in agricultural livestock farming. Subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Intelligent LED light for the functional areas of 'feeding', 'resting' and 'walking' in the dairy farming. Subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Intelligent LED Luminaire for Feeding, Resting and Activity Area in Dairy Farming II. Subproject 2
- Collaborative Project: Intensification of the anaerobic degradation of biomass for methane production from renewable resources (IBMN). Project: process engineering, process automation, and microbiology. a. Optimization of process engineering and process automation, process monitoring and data management.
- Collaborative project: Introducing new health traits in Brown Swiss breeding by establishing a female reference population for genomic selection. Subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Optimization of weed control in medicinal plant cultivation with a focus on indirect and mechanical processes as well as on the inventory establishment phase of chamomile and melissa. Subproject 2: Loamy-sandy and clayey soils with special attention to perennial and more years crops
- Collaborative project: Precise herbicide neutralization as a contribution to more sustainable weed control. Subproject 1: activated charcoal characterization, model and field trials
- Collaborative project: Press residues - a by-production from oil production - a sustainable ingredient for the production of high-quality feed for aquaculture – Subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Press residues - a by-production from oil production - a sustainable ingredient for the production of high-quality feed of from trout - optimization to market maturity
- Collaborative project: Quantitative and qualitative detection of wheat and barley bunt diseases (Tilletia spp., Ustilago nuda) by means of biotechnolgy methods (q-PCR, LAMP-technology)
- Collaborative project: Reduction of Mycotoxins in wheat infestated by spike fusariosa by breeding methods - Project 2: Marker procedures
- Collaborative project: Renaissance of White lupine breeding research for improved anthracnose resistance and higher quality. Coordination
- Collaborative project: Rhynchosporium secalis resistance in barley - from mapping to marker development and pre-breeding material - Subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Selection of testbulls of German Braunvieh using genomically enhanced breeding values - PAGeS – Subproject 3
- Collaborative project: Survey of the suitability of markers of gluten proteins to select baking quality in wheat - subproject TU München
- Collaborative project: Technical-economical evaluation and validation of a prediction model for the degradation kinetics of lignocellulosic feedstock for use in the flexible operation of the biogas process in practice
- Collaborative project: Utilization of the data from the project optiKuh for improvement of dairy farming by an updated modelling of feed intake and use of feed efficiency and robustness in animal breeding and management of animal health. Subproject 1
- Collection of abnormalities and genetic defects in calves in the Bavarian cattle populations
- Collection of genetic material within the scope of offspring evaluation
- Comparative life cycle assessment: use of disposable and reusable pipes in drip irrigation to potatoes
- Comparative studies on N dynamics and nitrate efflux under permanent grassland
- Comparison modern with older malting barley under the conditions of organic farming
- Comparison of conventional UF-fertilizer with seed band fertilization (microgranules) in silage maize
- Comparison of circular crates and box-stands in farrowing house in terms of ethological and process parameters
- Comparison of digital measurement and transmission systems with oxygen measurement
- Comparison of pre-crop effect and N-fixation performance of soya and pea
- Comparison of sialge agentsl-verification of the Zierenberg method
- Comparison of systems for weed control inagriculture
- Comparison of the preceding crop effect of different grain legumes with and without catch crops for oil
- Conception, creation and operation of an experimental digester plant for handling issues relating to input materials and microbiology in agricultural biogas plants
- Conceptual design of agri-photovoltaic systems - Faunistic monitoring surveys
- Conservation of historical knowledge fishpond farming
- Construction of a woodchip plant including district heating network at the LfL site in Grub
- Consumer Initiative Bavaria - the promotion of organic farming-Optimized manure fertilization in organic grassland
- Continuation of an approach to develop batch trials for determining gas output, modelling based on existing and novel data sets
- Continuation of cow sampling in genomic selection
- Continuation of studies on automatic submission of feed mixtures for cattle
- Continuation, expansion and networking of platforms www.regionales-bayern.de and www.wirt-sucht-bauer.de to improve market transparency in regional markets
- Continued development of erosion prevention methods in maize - glyphosate-free in conventional as well as alternative practices in organic farming
- Contribute to the assessment of the resilience of potato populations against cancer through use of efficient test methods, in this example by using PCR analysis
- Control of biogas processes through the influence of doped zeolite on sludge - B1 - BRIDGE 7
- Control of the Citrus Bark Cracking Viroid (CBCVd) in the affected hop-growing regions
- Controlling cannibalism in the keeping of pigs
- Conversion to organic dairy farming
- Cooperation with Baden-Württemberg in the breeding value estimation pig
- Cooperative test Bavaria concerning the use of herb-rich sowings as biogas substrate (phase II)
- Coordinating the project Model demonstration network for broadening and improving the growth and use of small seedling leguminoses in Germany
- Coordination of the organic research-practice network OekoNet, development and support of participatory approaches in research and knowledge transfer in organic farming
- Cost of pig manure storage
- Costs of the new pig keeping regulation
- Cow-calf contact systems on dairyfarms in Southern Germany - Development of indicators for evaluating animal welfare and milk yield
- Creating a calculation instrument for the economic evaluation of beef production and the keeping of small ruminants in organic farming
- Creating a data collection 'Faunistic references to climate change'
- Creating a scientific statement on the basis of literature review and expert survey on animal welfare stunning and killing of prawns (shrimp; Litopennaeus vannamei) aquaculture in Bavaria
- Crop production systems of the future: Biodiverse - soil-friendly - digital
- Cross breeding with the landrace Tettnanger
- Cross-border orchard days
- Cross-national testing of artificial insemination boars in farms
- Dairy goat report 2021
- Data management across the project - Exemplary demonstration network for expanding and improving cultivation and utilization of soybeans in Germany
- Demand-based fertilization and feeding in the carp pond industry to optimize fish yield and quality
- Demand-oriented value chains for regional products
- Demand-related energy supply through microbiological methanisation
- Demonstration area for orchard cultivation at Schafhof
- Demonstration area orchard cultivation Kringell
- Demonstration farms Integrated Plant Protection - hop growing in Bavaria, coordination by LfL BY
- Demonstration network expanding and improving cultivation and utilization of soybeans in Germany
- Demonstration network extending and improving the cultivation and utilization of legumes particularly with regard to peas and beans in Germany
- Demonstration of microbial methanation in pilot scale - subproject microbiology
- Demonstration Project medicinal plants (CAMEL); development of a system for gentle harvest of valerian roots
- Demonstration Project medicinal plants (KAMEL), Genetic improvement of Valerian to increase profitability and drug quality
- Demonstration project medicinal plants (KAMEL); Genetic improvement of valerian to increase the profitability and drug quality (Phase II)
- Derivation of typical crop rotations in organic plant production in Bavaria
- Design and construction of a wildlife portal in cooperation with LWF, BBV and BJV
- Determination of emission factors from yards and ventilated stables
- Determination of emission factors in animal welfare-oriented, freely ventilated cattle stables in Bavaria - extending and updating the database against the background of intended tighter immission control legislation "EF Bavaria"
- Determination of emission factors inanimal welfare-orientated, freelyventilated cattle stables in Bavaria
- Determination of emission factors on animal welfare oriented freely ventilated cattle barns in Bavaria
- Determining the spatial and seasonal pattern of rainfall-erosivity in Bavaria from radar-based rainfall data to improve erosion prediction with the Allgemeine Bodenabtragsgleichung
- Develop and implement a quality management system for agricultural biogas production
- Developable stable construction concepts for pig fattening and piglet rearing farms
- Developing a panel of strategies to back up biodiversity in hop farming: What at all is possible?
- Development and establishment of a new technique for the production of double-haploid winter wheat breeding strains to improve the competitiveness of Bavarian seed breeding companies
- Development and evaluation of procedures and techniques for alternative weed control and for minimizing herbizide use in crop production
- Development and optimization of a practical procedure for germination, malting and ensiling of soybean and soybean germination and analytical studies of the potential as protein feed for poultry and pig feeding
- Development and set-up of locally adapted seed mixtures for enhancing multifunctionality of grassland with medium intensive use
- Development and trial of an innovative process for the production of high-quality domestic protein feed from lucerne as well as lucerne and clover grass for pigs and ruminants
- Development and use of photodynamic substances from plants to combat parasitic fish diseases
- Development and validation of a quality assurance system for mobile NIRS systems for measuring nutrient concentrations in liquid farm manures
- Development and validation of agro-forestry systems in organic farming to gain wood for energy extraction
- Development of a concept for the coherent and differentiated remuneration of the environmental benefits of organic farming
- Development of a department-spanning research db summarizing all research projects and initiatives
- Development of a health monitoring in Bavarian cattle herds
- Development of a internet-based planning tool for establishing organic farming
- Development of a method for humus balancing in organic farming for application under practice conditions
- Development of a multiplex digital DiRT-PCR to test for potato viruses and blackleg bacteria directly on the same tuber sap
- Development of a practical method for the quantitative assessment of microplastics on agricultural land and investigation of microplastics in biogas plants and composts
- Development of a requirement profile for locallygrown organic maize for human consumptionproduced in Germany in collaboration with thevalue chain as well as determination of itsvariety-specific relevant quality for healthynutrition and processing .
- Development of a testing machine to examine the structure of feed samples
- Development of a training concept for for participants of the award-winning Bavarian Cuisine
- Development of a web-based app as a communication platform and entrance aid to digital marketing channels for Bavarian direct marketers
- Development of an breeding value estimation für milking behaviour
- Development of an Innovative Forecasting Model to Control Powdery Mildew (Podosphaera macularis) in Hops (Humulus lupulus)
- Development of an online tool for humus preservation and buildup in Bavaria
- Development of an online tool Soil organic carbon stabilization and sequestration Bavaria
- Development of consulting documents under the new regulation on installations for handling substances hazardous to water (AwSV) and the new funding regulations under the framework plan (RPL) 2014
- Development of effective alternative control strategies against the ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in trout farms, that are ecologically harmless, well tolerated by fish and omit the use of therapeutics
- Development of formulated diets for Salmonids based on local ingredients
- Development of future-oriented concepts for agricultural construction with wood - from planning to deconstruction
- Development of future-proof concepts for agricultural buildings with wood - from planning to deconstruction
- Development of genomic breeding evaluation methods
- Development of healthy, high-performance hops with high alpha-acid contents and particular suitability for production in the Elbe-Saale hop growing region
- Development of housing and management strategies to avoid cannibalism in piglets and fattening pigs
- Development of indicators for efficient systems to dry hay in barns and evaluation of overall farm impacts of using barn dried hay as the main forage component on dairy farms
- Development of integrated plant protection methods against Luzernerüssler (Otiorhynchus ligustici) in the hops
- Development of late-blight (Phytophthora infestans) resistant breeding material for organic farming
- Development of methods to combat the hop flea beetle Psylliodes attenuatus in organic hop growing
- Development of molecular biological methods to qualtitativen and quantitative detection and for differentiation of Fusarium spp.
- Development of molecular-assisted selection methods for drought tolerance in Lolium perenne
- Development of organic-supply chains in Bavaria
- Development of peatland-compatible management options for agricultural peatland and climate protection - WP 3 Seed mixture mixture tests
- Development of regionally adapted lucerne-tall fescue-mixtures for Northern Bavaria
- Development of Single-Step Procedure Exterieur Brown Swiss Cattle
- Development of Single-Step Procedure Exterieur Brown Swiss Cattle
- Development of the data basis for the organization of work on dairy farms
- Development of the single-step process for cell number/milkability
- Development of the single-step process for Fleckvieh conformation
- Development of the single-step process for milk
- Development of the single-step process for persistance
- Development of tools for the economic actual/target analysis in dairy farms
- Development, evaluation and realisation of the prognosis-system “ÖKO-SIMPHYT” to control potato late blight in organic farming with reduced use of copper
- Development, testing and realization of the forecast model ECO-SIMPHYT for targeted control of late blight (P. infestans) in organic potato production with the aim of the use of copper-containing fungicides to be reduced to a minimum
- Development, validation and practical implementation of a weather-based forecasting model for infestation incidence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in rapeseed
- Diagnosis of subclinical endometritis in cattle
- Diagnostic improvement of currently important bacterial fish pathogens (flavobacteria, facultatively pathogenic motile-aeromonads-pseudomonad mixed infections) and screening of the resistance behavior of the facultative pathogenic bacterial pathogens
- Differences between different Large White pigs on parameters of health and robustness
- Different biogas digestate quantities and application techniques with silage maize
- Digitalisation, Data integration, Detection and Decision support in Dairying
- Digitization and automation of scale analysis at coregoneid fish
- Diversification in agriculture
- Diversification in mountain farming
- Doctoral scholarship and organization of trials including Chinese soybean material to spread plant genetic ressources in soybean breeding within Central Europe
- Drought-stress tolerant wheat
- Dynamics of the intermediate metabolism in biogas processes (modisto). Subproject 1: Plant Operation and analysis of active guilds
- Eco LSV Summer triticale
- Eco-Board Bavaria (Pillar III) - Network maintenance and extension in the EcoPact
- Eco-variety trial to reduce the fusarium infestation by variety selection
- Ecological value chains for eco poultrymeat and eco pork
- Economic and ecological consequences evaluation of measures to reduce greenhouse gases
- Economic and ecological impact assessment of measures for reducing greenhouse gases in agriculture using a multi-scale model - GHG assessment in the context of the climate check agriculture
- Edible wild plants
- Educational trail for agroecology and woody plants at LVFZ Schwarzenau
- EfectaWheat: An Effector- and Genomics-Assisted Pipeline for Necrotrophic Pathogen Resistance Breeding in Wheat
- Effect of ad libitum milk feeding on performance, health and behavioral parameters in German Simmental calves
- Effect of different treatments of clover grass on yield and quality in organic farming
- Effect of goosander spaying on the development of grayling populations in selected southern Bavarian stream reaches
- Effect of Megagreen in different cultures in organic plant production
- Effect of sulfur fertilization on yield and quality of grain legumes
- Effective control of vole and field mouse in grassland of Bavaria
- Effects of alpine pasturing on the length of productive life of dairy cows
- Effects of climate change on pollen in Bavaria
- Effects of different legumes units in the rotation of organic farms with and without livestock
- Effects of differentiated tillage on epigeal arthropods
- Efficiency, reduced emissions and CO2 supply through optimal engine settings for biogas cogeneration plants for distributed power
- Efficient feeding regimes and nutrient cycling in forage Baubetriebe
- Effikar - Selection and breeding of late blight resistant and nutrient efficient potato strains for sustainable organic farming.
- Effluent treatment in trout farms
- Electronic identification of sheep and goat traceability and traceability
- Electronic registration portal BULLY for insemination bulls
- Elucidating genetics and the molecular basis of a new hereditary (SMA-like) defect with brown breeds
- Emission and performance of biogas combustion engines depending on the engine maintenance
- Energy efficiency and emissions of biogas recycling
- Enhancing the economic value of organically produced cash crops by optimizing the management of soil fertility
- Enhancing the economic value of organically produced cash crops by optimizing the management of soil fertility, sub-project 5
- Enhancing the monitoring platform for the use ofdigital technologies in Bavarian agriculture
- EntoProg - Development of digital prognosismodels and decision support systems in cropprotection for estimating the infestation of harmfulinsects in oil seed rape, sugar beet and maize
- ERA-Net PlantGenomics - Joint project: 'Securing sustainable production of food and feed (Cerehealth, Part D plans)'
- Erosion assessment app: An approach to update the 'ABAG-interaktiv' – web application in an scientific and technical way
- Establishing an online application Brownscore Online
- Establishment and support of the BioRegio-farm network in organic farming in Bavaria
- Establishment of a pond test network
- Establishment of a quantitative detection method for Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-2 in soil
- Establishment of a research center for drylandagriculture in northern Bavaria
- Establishment of autochtonous predatory mites of hop farmland by alternative management
- Establishment of the Future Workshop Ruhstorf: Erosion and drainage measurement field for the evaluation of environmentally friendly land cultivation
- Establishment of the research center for dryland agriculture in North Bavaria
- Establishment, validation, verification and accreditation of modern, efficient, highly sensitive and highly specific methods for reliable detection of plant viruses and -viroids
- EU-INTERREG V-Project 220: Impact of agricultural activity on soil quality and pollution in the Czech-Bavarian cross-border region
- Evaluation of assist features to detect the age at puberty of the male pig
- Evaluation of different Duroc origins in terms of production and quality characteristics
- Evaluation of impacts of agricultural environmental means on insects: Insect Monitoring (2019-2021): part 2
- Evaluation of impacts of agricultural environnmental means on insects: Insect Monitoring (2019-2021): part 1 ffects
- Evaluation of N-flows in different systems of organic farming
- Evaluation of pH-lowering systems by acidification to reduce ammonia emissions in the stable and field
- Evaluation of qualified female farmers and farmers for special experiences regarding their business activities
- Evaluation of slaughter performance in Fleckvieh cattle depending on calf quality
- Evaluation of the farmers qualified by the bavarian agricultural administration for special experience offers if they have opend a business
- Evaluation of the system Fleckscore
- Evolving barn construction concepts for pig fattening and piglet rearing farms
- Examination and evaluation of technical measures to reduce the heat stress in dairy cows
- Examination and evaluation of technical measures to reduce the heat stress in dairy cows II
- Examination of different freezed catch crops and seed process before soybean
- Examination of selection criteria and development of breeding material for the cultivation of wheat under conditions of organic farming
- Examination of suitability of genomic selection in wheat based on the data of F6 lines - trial year 3
- Examination of sulfur deficiency in clover grass and grassland under Bavarian locational conditions
- Examination of the use of air purification equipment in agricultural livestock farming in Bavaria as a basis for process improvements - second phase
- Examination of various mixing partners and seed rates for regular-leaf type summer peas
- Examination of various mixing partners for regular-leaf type winter peas
- Examination of various mixing partners to achieve high yields of summer peas
- Exemplary demonstration network expanding and improving the farming and marketing of small seed legumes in Germany
- Exemplary demonstration network for expanding and improving cultivation and utilisation of soy beans in Germany - subproject LfL
- Expanding competences in the inspection system for organic agriculture
- Experience with the cultivation of soybeans in the practice of organic farming
- Expert group bioenergy resource management in Bavaria
- Expert team
- Extraction of eggs of the quarantine harmful organism Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Western corn rootworm) from soil samples
- FABES. Subproject 2: Microbiological optimization of hydrolysis
- FABES. Subproject 5: Ecological-economic evaluation
- Farm monitoring, comparative study of alternative process chains for raising and and fermenting of grassland growth - Subproject optimization of the process chains of grassland harvest
- Farm-based biogas plants made of textile materials
- Feasibility study: Greenhouse gas optimized quality wheat production - quality flour with a high gluten quality and low nitrogen fertilizer use by breeding and production technology
- Feeding concepts against cannibalism - Increased fiber content in the diet and increased water flow to the nipple drinking systems
- Feeding of pigs - contributions to animal health and animal welfare (experiments, optimization of consulting)
- Fermentation residues and demand fertilization to grassland (V552)
- Fermentation residues and demand fertilization to grassland (V553)
- Fermentation residues and demand fertilization to silage corn (V551)
- Fermentation residues and demand fertilization to summer triticale (V550)
- Fermentation residues and demand fertilization to Winter triticale GPS (Whole crop silage) (V548)
- Fermentation residues and demand fertilization to winter wheat grain threshing (V549)
- Fertilisation on spring barley by different techniques
- Fertilisation on winter barley by different techniques at varying times
- Fertilisation on winter oilseed rape by different techniques at varying times
- Fertilization in Red Areas according to the requirements of DüV V565
- Fertilization strategies to optimize the crude protein content of new, high-yielding malting barley varieties to achieve a crude protein content in line with the market
- Fertilizer ordinance data for medicinal and spice plants
- Field and Stable Schools in organic farming in Baveria
- Field grazing with sheep
- Field project to establish mobile slurry separation on grassland farms
- Field testing of an innovative process in catfish aquaculture: caging with the fish swimming across towards slaughter, stress-free, and autonomous
- Financed prolongation of: Unleashing the hiddenpotential of anaerobic fungi - HipoAF
- Fishery-biological investigations on whitefish stocks in pre-alpine lakes
- Fishpond cultivation and nature conservation: demands, problems, solutions
- Floating photovoltaics on ponds
- Flower strips, flower pastures and forest edge - KULAP (cultural landscape program)
- For fiber supply of the pregnant and lactating breeding sow
- Formation of a network for the creation of an animal welfare concept taking into account the sensory perception of cows for research into innovative husbandry and management solutions for dairy cows and their offspring - subproject 7
- Fostering species-rich grassland
- Functional Analysis of Genes involved in Lipid Metabolism in Cattle and Swine for the Identification of Product Quality relevant DNA Variation
- Functional analysis of Genetic Mechanisms determining Variability of Protective Ability in the Mammary Gland of Cattle
- Functional traits of sows with suckling piglets - Contribution through breeding and restocking
- Fungal susceptibility of different types of peas under field conditions
- Further development of advisory documents for organically managed pig farms
- Further development of methods forrecording, modelling and assessing emissions in livestock buildings -subproject 4
- Further development of the analysis of activity and performance data for early detection of claw disease in dairy cows in working farms
- Further development of the appliance for fully automatic hanging of wire in high trellis systems in hops: optimization, testing and production of the pilot series
- Fusarium - pre harvest monitoring in winter wheat
- FutureCrop – new varieties for bavarian agriculture
- GABI - PLANT KBBE II - Joint project 'ExpResBar': Exploiting genetic variation for resistance to important pathogens in barley. Subproject C: Development of diagnostic markers and physical mapping for the Rrs1 resistance locus against scald
- GABI-MALT - An integrated approach to the genetic and functional dissection of malting quality in barley
- Geese management
- Gemeinschaftlich züchten für eine ressourcenschonende und effiziente Milch- und Fleischerzeugung
- Generating a comprehensive data base and development of breeding strategies for a sustainable reduction of tail biting in pig breeding
- Genetic analysis of drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) with phenological, physiological and molecular differentiation method. Subproject 2
- Genetic improvement of efficiency traits in pigs to reduce nutrient excretion
- Genetics of ichthyosis fetalis in sheep
- Genome based selection systems for baking quality and resistance in elite germplasm in winter wheat under moderate nitrogen fertilization. Subproject 1
- Genomic management Tools to Optimize Resilience and Efficiency in European cattle farming
- Genomic Selection 2.0: Establishment of a cow learning sample for the genomic genetic evaluation in Fleckvieh
- Genomic study of delayed horn growth
- Genomics in BLUP - continuous genomic prediction by single-step evaluation
- Genotyping of both MHC class 1 and class 2 genes and its association to sheep´s and cattle´s diseases
- GeoCare: Geoinformation technology for protection of agricultural resources and risk management. Subproject 3
- Gnut - Biogas - 'optimization of biomass supply and energy recovery from representative permanent pasture types ' (Project 2)
- Gnut - Combustion - 'overall assessment of biomass supply and energy recovery of pasture regrowth ' (Project 3)
- GQS-Bayern - Eco-modul
- Grain millet as a new crop in crop rotation systems for drylands
- Grassland monitoring
- Grassland Monitoring 3
- Gray heron monitoring
- Grazing trial on rough grassland with cattle at the Schafhof, Freising
- Green topping: establishment and evaluation of regionally adapted seed mixtures to increase the multifunctionality of semi-intensively used grassland
- Groundwater-friendly land management regarding the community Hohenthann
- Grow-Workshop:AgTech EuropeanFarmer Academy
- GRÜNLEGUM - Fodder legumes as protein and roughage component in organic poultry and pig feeding
- Harmonisation of a commen fishery policy by improving traceability of control mechanisms and promoting awareness of market participants and the public
- Harvesting and suitability testing of fibers derived from the hop plant for non-woven fabric production
- Health and performance of dairy cows in ecological farming interdisciplinary point of view - an (intervention) study on metabolic disorders and diseases in the udder due to inclusion of forage production, feeding management and husbandry
- Health monitoring cattle in Bavaria
- Health Promoting Tourism Alpine Space
- Health promoting tourism in the Alps
- Health status of Bavarian dairy goat farms
- Herbicide tolerance of poplar and willow species
- Horizon2020- Assessing sustainability of terrestrial livestock production
- Hosting the model plants in Baveria of project Model demonstration network for broadening and improving the growth and use of small seedling leguminoses in Germany
- Humus supply on farms with biogas plants
- Humus supply on farms with biogas plants
- Hygienisierungspotenzials evaluation of the biogas process in model systems as well as identification of the current phytosanitary risk in Bavaria biogas pilot plant using the example of the quarantine-antine pests (QSO) of potato
- Identification, modification and deployment of genetic factors controlling resistance to important pathogens in barley
- Identification, modification and deployment of genetic factors controlling resistance to important pathogens in barley. Subproject D
- Identification, modification and deployment of genetic factors controlling resistance to important pathogensin barley - project part D
- Impact Assessment the Free Trade Agreement TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) on Bavaria
- Impact of a K-, Mg- and S-fertilisation on yield and quality of white lupins in organic farming
- Impact of clover-grass ploughing as regards use, type and timing
- Impact of head-only electrical stunning on vegetative and sensory physiological parameters of the shrimps species Litopenaeus vannamei
- Impact of organic farming on environment and society
- Impact of otters on fisheries and biodiversity
- Impact of potassium and sulphur fertilisation on maize
- Impact of potassium and sulphur fertilisation on peas
- Impact of the cultivation of energy crops in humus
- Impairment of rivers by fish pond systems which may result missed targets under the EU Water Framework Directive
- Implementation of a company-wide view on nutrient-adapted feeding in Bavarian pig farms via digitally prepared data in a web-based information center
- Implementation of an optimized pasture management and estimation of the feed yield after a separation of forest and pasture
- Implementation of separation from BaySG
- Implementation of sustainable control strategies against the broad bean beetle (Bruchus rufimanus Boh.) to ensure seed quality for domestic production of broad beans (Vicia faba L.)
- Implementation of the crossbreeding technology for soya and lupine under glass and in the field for the construction of a Bavarian gene pool
- Implementation of the otter extraction into the otter management plan
- Implementing regional nutrient concepts in manure processing
- Implications on different methods of tail docking in lambs
- Importance and stay of Clostridium difficile and other novel pathogens in agricultural biogas plants
- Improve claw health of dairy cows by continuous individual animal activity analysis
- Improvement of barely to BYDV by using innovative breeding strategies – Subproject 3
- Improvement of fingerling quality
- Improvement of group housing of horses by ethological and work economically optimized feeding systems
- Improvement of local soybean: Development and establishment of marker-assisted cross-breeding plans for the feature-oriented, targeted combination of genetic material and high-quality breeding material of other geographic origins
- Improvement of nutrient efficiency of hops by fertilization systems with fertigation
- Improvement of testing on anomalies of Bavarian boars for inseminating
- Improvement of the claw health of dairy cows
- Improvement of the nutrient supply of organically cultivated land through the treatment of legume growth (eg clover grass) in biogas plants
- Improvement of trout stocking operations by modifying rearing conditions and training behavioral patterns
- Improving claw health by claw cleaning systems
- Improving energy efficiency in agriculture in Bavaria
- Improving seed quality of field beans (Vicia faba) to ensure local seed supply
- Improving the organization of work in Bavarian dairy farms through analysis, benchmarking and optimization of different farming systems
- Improving the protein usage in pig farming by optimizing the amino acid structure of barley by a breeding approach
- Improving the protein use in pig farming optimizing the amino acid structure of barley by a breeding approach
- Increased methane productivity during anaerobic fermentation by addition of CO2
- Increasing the natural food to promote sustainable and ecological production in the carp farming. Coordination
- Influence of a N fertilization in spring on the quality of winter wheat
- Influence of a supplement of oregano on biological performance, egg quality and animal welfare indicators of laying hens
- Influence of biofumigation on different varieties of faba beans
- Influence of biofumigation on different varieties of summer peas
- Influence of feed and feeding strategy on fish production and product quality of organic fishery products
- Influence of feeding fava beans on the meat quality of carp
- Influence of manure application techniques on the microbial status of feed
- Influence of manureapplication techniqueson the microbial status offeed
- Influence of planting density and row distance on yield and quality of spring wheat
- Influence of pond management on the sediment dynamics and water quality of freshwater pearl shellfish in the area Hof (Upper Franconia) - Investigation to derive management recommendations
- Influence of S and N fertilization on yield and quality of winter wheat
- Influence of seed density in winter triticale in organic crop
- Influence of slurry fertilization on yield and quality of spring wheat
- Influence of slurry fertilization on yield and quality of winter wheat
- Influence of soil preparation on yield and quality in organic farming
- Influence of sowing density on yield and quality of winter wheat
- Influence of sowing time on soybean in organic farming
- Influence of sulfur fertilization for clover on yield and quality and previous crop effect on winter wheat
- Influence of the feeding of lupins on the quality of carp
- Influence of the rotation date of clover grass on yield and quality of baking wheat
- ing implementation for corn and soybean in the Bavarian Biodiversity Strategy and Protein Initiative
- Initiative - Game and wild herbs - of the cultivated landscape to the plate
- Innovative ecological assessment and water management strategy for the protection of ecosystem services in alpine lakes and rivers
- Innovative ecological assessment and water management strategy for the protection of ecosystem services in alpine lakes and rivers
- Innovative strategies for controlling Verticillium wilt in hops
- Innovative strategies for controlling Verticillium wilt in hops
- Installation and testing the interval operation of the biogas plant at the Experiment Station Grub
- Installation of a pilot practical cultivation of Chiniese officinal plants in Bavaria
- Integrated control strategy against the late beet rot of sugar beet
- Integrated genetic research and applications in the Bavarian pig breeding
- Integrated weed management (IWM) in arable farming
- Integration Hungary in breeding value estimation - milk
- Integration of AMS data in breeding value estimation of milking ability
- Integration of the Czech Republic into the cross-national breeding value estimation for cell number and milking ability
- Integration Slovakia in breeding value estimation - cell counting
- Integration Slovakia in breeding value estimation - milk
- Intensification of the anaerobic degradation of biomass for methane production from renewable resources
- Interactions between large and small grained leguminosae under the conditions of organic farming
- Introduction of fishing tests online
- Investigation and assessment of constructional and technical measures to reduce heat stress
- Investigation and optimization of the functional reliability of integrated passage height according to the EC Eco Ordinance
- Investigation of different methods for the mechanical killing of intermediate crops for erosion-reducing processing methods of maize to reduce the use of total herbicides
- Investigation of protease use against fish viruses in aquaculture
- Investigation of protease use against fish viruses in aquacultures
- Investigation of the whitefish stocks in selected subalpine lakes with special emphasis on biomass estimate
- Investigations into the optimisation of nutrient balances on forage farms
- Investigations onheritability of SwineInflammatory andNecrosis Syndrome
- Investigations to increase the diversification of maize production for substrate production and fodder production by the mixed cultivation of maize with flowering plants and legumes. Subproject: Investigation of the silage properties of corn pole beans mixtures
- Iris cultivation
- Irrigation pond farming
- Is the cultivation of hazelnuts for fruit production in Bavaria economically possible? 2nd continuation
- Joint project: Progress with competence and specialist knowledge for animal well-being, environmentally friendly and sustainable livestock farming. Subproject 14
- Joint project: Quantifying the effect of mineral additives biogas from the fermentation of renewable resources and its verification in practice (Subproject 2)
- Knowledge transfer gained from practical experience and from applied research in organic farming associated with thematic excursions
- Knowledge-driven genomic predictions for sustainable disease resistance in wheat
- KULAP-bloom mixtures
- Labour Economic Aspects for improving the organization of work in Bavarian dairy farms
- Learning materials for nature conservation and landscape management
- Linking collected operational data, greenhouse gas (GHG) models and geodata as a basis for the ex ante assessment of GHG mitigation options in agriculture (preliminary study)
- Linking Urban and Inner-Alpine Green Infrastructure
- Liquors with geographical denomination
- Living mulch systems with annual legumes
- Long-term vegetation monitoring of the fertilisation experiment on the Mittelstieg alpine pasture
- Low-emission liquid manure grassland Franconia
- Low-Energy Greenhouse
- Malting barley with improved resistance to seed-borne diseases in organic farming
- Management audit biogas
- Management of water ragwort in permanent grassland
- Manure fertilization using different application techniques including DSN and N simulation in winter wheat
- Mapping of Soil OrganicMatter
- Marker assisted selection (MAS) in potatoes
- Marker-based selection for controlling preharvest sprouting due to untimely amylase activity in wheat
- Meadows championchips in Bavaria
- Meaning of corn stubble and soil tillage on the corn borer population
- Measurement of usable protein in grass products
- Measures against virus diseases in organic aquaculture
- Measuring the methane emissions of dairy cows with the system GreenFeed
- Mechanical grub control in the Bavarian Forest, sub-project equipment technology
- Method Comparison Soil Trap
- Micro-capsulated hop extracts as a novel biological fungicide to control down mildew in hop growing
- Microbiological diagnosis of relevant subprocesses in biogas production and early warning systems
- Microbiological process optimization of biogas technology - the diagnosis of microbial populations and identification of key organisms in biogas digesters
- Minimization of antibiotic use in Bavarian aquaculture through the use of autogenous vaccines
- Minimizing the use of pesticides containing copper in organic and integrated hops growing
- Mixed cropping of false flax and spring cereal
- Mixed cropping systems for biogas production in Bavaria
- Mobile housing system for the outdoor keeping of laying hens: Project III: Ethological conditions of semi-natural rearing systems
- Model and demonstration project for humus buildup in hop cultivation
- Model and demonstration project for integated crop production
- Model development and testing of a new breeding program for the race Murnau-rock on the basis of molecular genetic characterization
- Model projects for orcharding on golf courses
- Modeling of yields and risk analysis in crop production with special focus on climate change
- Monitoring and evaluation of innovative practice facilities - continuation of the scientific monitoring of the Bavarian pilot and demonstration biogas plants
- Monitoring and methods to control the planthopper Pentastiridius leporinus and the bacterial disease ´SBR´ in sugar beet
- Monitoring DüV
- Monitoring for dangerous hop viruses, the Hop Stunt Viroid (HpSVd) and the Citrus viroid IV (CVd IV) in German hop cultivation
- Monitoring Forage Legumes
- Monitoring new cases of Arachnomelia in Simmental cattle
- Monitoring of animal welfare characteristics as regards offspring valuations
- Monitoring of biogas systems
- Monitoring of dangerous virus and viroid infections of hops in Germany
- Monitoring of grassland vegetation in Bavaria
- Moor-KULAP: Development of Agri-environment measures for innovative use of wet grasslands with drain management and grassland renewal for intensive grasslands on fen soils
- MoorUse-Model 4
- Mountain products - market size and potential estimation in Bavaria
- Mulch-till in soybean after wintering intercropping
- N-fertilization after the N-Sensor
- N-fertilization in the fall in corn husks
- Nationwide pilot for staggered crop of perennial ryegrass in testing
- Native woody plants
- Nature conservation by organic farming: Restoration of local populations of rare and endangered arable field plants on organic farms in Germany
- Necessary N-fertilization in a rotation for biogas plants
- Nest treatment with wild geese II - Transfer into the practice
- Network Cormorant Bavaria
- NH3 measurement with slurry application with additives
- Nitrogen flow on hop farms with fields of different soil character and fertilzation systems
- Non-food for feed: By-products of food handling and processing in pig and poultry nutrition to reduce food competition between humans and livestock while maintaining productivity and environmentally friendly production
- Nutrient animals offer and food preference of whitefish in the Starnberger lake
- Occurrence and importance of Mycobacterium avium in pigs in the LPA (Performance testing institute)
- Occurrence and significance of damaging stink bugs (Pentatomidae) in Bavarian fruit and vegetable cultivation
- Operation and extension of the wildlife portal in Bavaria
- Operator Guide for optimum plant operation (Biogas)
- Optimisation and revision of the horse CES
- Optimisation of the control quality of organic farming
- Optimization of cultivation techniques of white lupin and examination of the suitability of blue lupin and their different growth types under the conditions of organic farming
- Optimization of cultivation techniques of white lupin and examination of the suitability of blue lupin and their different growth types under the conditions of organic farming
- Optimization of decentral soy bean processing using online process control via near infrared spectroscopy
- Optimization of energy production and use on LVFZ (Educational, experimental and technical centre for dairy farming) Almesbach and visualization of energy data for knowledge transfer
- Optimization of environmental attitudes in birth stall and piglets in the rearing
- Optimization of hop breeding through the analysis of genome and metabolite data
- Optimization of plant substrates of plant cultivation and breeding of view
- Optimization of process technology
- Optimization of site-specific gas productivity of species and varieties comparison of potential renewable resources in Bavaria
- Optimization of slurry application, taking into account the amendment of the fertiliser ordinance and the NEC (National Emission Ceilings) directive. Subproject technique
- Optimization of the cultivation of soybeans - reducing tillage and determining the preceding crop effect of the N2-fixing performance under the conditions of organic and conventional farming
- Optimization of the farming technique of lentil with the conditions of organic farming
- Optimization of the internal energy use with networked energy systems on farms
- Optimization strategies for cultivation methods with conventional dominant conservative tillage
- Optimizing microbiological methanation processes
- Optimizing the Agricultural Value Chain through Cooperation - Empirical Policy Advice for Bavaria
- Optimizing the nutrient uptake under drought stress through genetic improvement of root growth in barley
- Optimizing the process chain to extract methane from grassland regrowth by biogas technology
- Optimizing the quality in French fries production
- Options for reducing ammonia emissions through microbial manure treatment and manure additives
- Orchard cultivation and orchard management
- Orchard exhibition at the Munich Botanical Garden
- Organic Farming Day 2018
- Organic Farming Day 2020
- Organic marketing of orchard fruit - a way to preserve orchard meadows in Bavaria
- Organic orchard conference sequence
- Organic variety trial to reduce Fusarium infestation through variety selection
- Organisation and implementation of workshops and expert discussions on specific research issues in organic agriculture
- Organization and implementation of issue-related working groups on research in organic agriculture
- Organization of a transnational conference on organic cattle breeding
- Otter monitoring in Bavaria
- Particular edible legume for organic farming in Bavaria
- Pasture Innovations Network Sheep Goat
- Peat conserving agricultural management measures
- Peatland farming for climate protection Allgäu
- PENTAcontrol - Development of a sustainable regulation strategy against tree bugs in horticulture
- Performance and evaluation of grassland amelioration procedures
- Permanent driveways, strip tillage and drip irrigation, work package soil - soil water balance
- Persistence of viroids in hop silage and in biogas fermenters
- PFT-Screening in bavarian soils
- Phenotypic and molecular characterization of novel mildew resistances in German winter wheat collections
- Pig husbandry on straw: influence ofquantity, straw length, treatment andsoiling of straw bedding on ammoniaand methane emissions
- Pilot orchard inventory Bavaria
- Pilot project biogas plants
- Pilotproject: further transfer of knowledge in the agricultural division:
- Plant biotechnology of the future - A genomics assisted approach to tap the potential of the secondary gene pool for sustainable barley breeding (TRANS-BULB) - Subproject C
- Policy Coordination for Landscape Conservation in Bavaria
- Pollinator-friendlyagricultural landscapes - current state and development potential
- Pond design consulting
- Population genomics in Simmental and Brown Swiss cattle
- Portierung ZWS-Verfahren in das IT-DLZ
- Possibilities for reducing ammonia emissions through microbial manure treatment and manure additives - subproject microbiology
- Possibilities for reducing ammonia emissionsthrough manure additives - influencing factors onthe mode of action
- Possible soil and plant stress in the vicinity of electricity poles
- Post-harvest monitoring of ear-fusariosis
- Potato breeding for stress tolerance and suitability for processing in organic farming
- Potential analysis for land-saving multifunctional use of agricultural land in the context of the implementation and potential further development of the Bavarian Compensation Ordinance
- Potential effects of transgenic maize with three expressed Bt proteins on epigeal predatory arthropods
- Potential for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Bavarian peatlands - EmiAdditiv
- Practicability of indicators for operational self-checking of animal welfare in the cattle farming
- Practical development of a control system for protected denomination of origin in the field of of distilled spirits in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/787, incl. information of the concerned economic circles, the development of the necessary documentation database
- Practical development of a control system for protected denomination of origin in the field of of distilled spirits in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/787, incl. information of the concerned economic circles, the development of the necessary documentation database
- Practical introduction of methods with reduced pesticide use in sugar beet cultivation
- Practical knowledge organic reeding
- Practical measures for sustainable ghgmitigation in dairy cow productionsystems
- Practical support of studies on recommendations for animal-friendly dehorning
- Practical survey on nutrient requirements, nutrient extractions and yields in medicinal and aromatic plants for the implementation of the new Fertilization Regulation
- Pre-harvest monitoring of winter wheat in Bavaria
- Preceding crop effects of various clover species and differently employed seeding procedures following field pea growing
- Precision breeding: Optimizing hop breeding via genome and metabolite analysis
- Prediction of silage ingredients II
- Preliminary investigations for the development of LfL-farms to conservation centers for plant genetic resources, collection of historical, agricultural variety material in Bavaria
- Preliminary project CBCVd
- Preparation of an LfL-Information on conversion to organic farming
- Preservation of Bavarian, agricultural, plant genetic resources at the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture
- Prevention of rumen acidosis by securing the supply of structured cattle feed
- Procedural costs of young cattle in dairy farming
- Procedural, fermentational and agro-ecological impacts of an enhanced use of sugerbeet in biogas plants
- Procedural, fermenting biological and agroecological impact of increased use of sugar beets in biogas plants - plant monitoring and system assessment
- Procedural, fermenting biological and agroecological impact of increased use of sugar beets in biogas plants - Process micro and molecular biology
- Process acceleration and sanitation in biogas plants by connecting an Hydrolysephase / level
- Process engineering and agri-environmental impact of an increased use of sugar beet in biogas plants - processing optimization / mirobiology
- Process engineering, environmental and economic studies on the production and processing of protein feed for poultry based on larvae of the black soldier fly
- Process optimization by additives in biogas technology
- Production initiative and quality initiative for agriculture and horticulture
- Production of high-quality raw milk - Residues of cleaning and disinfecting agents
- Production of quality forage with in-house barn hay drying systems
- Production of trout according to standards of organic farmers' association from the point of view of efficiency and meat quality
- Production-integrated compensation measures (PIK) through Bavarian Compensation Ordinance
- Profitability and diversification potential in orchards
- Programming and subject specifications for Balance Bavaria
- Project Group Digitalization in Agriculture
- Promote the sustainable use of old wheat, rye, and barley landraces for the production of healthier cereal products
- Promoting awareness for the 'Brand Bavaria' by ensuring the quality and origin of Bavarian agricultural and food products using advanced activities of the system control under the program 'Certified Quality - Bayern'
- Promoting awareness for the 'Brand Bavaria' by ensuring the quality and origin of Bavarian agricultural products and foodstuffs, in particular the classification 'Excellent Bavarian cuisine'
- Promoting awareness for the 'brand Bavaria' by ensuring the quality and origin of Bavarian agricultural products and foodstuffs, part 2
- Proof and development of soybean breeding material for feeding purposes to implement breeding acvtivities of medium-sized breeding industries with special regard to the traits earliness, cold tolerance and protein content
- Proof of seed born pathogens (fungi) to eco-seed using conventional laboratory techniques
- Publication of a monthly newsletter on organic farming by LfL
- Qualitative and quantitative optimization of protein or amino acid supply in pig feeding
- Quantitative climate balance of agricultural measures and procedures
- Rapeseed straw as a biogas substrate - Pre-treatment to improve anaerobic digestibility
- Recording and use of new traits for breeding value estimation in cattle
- Recording of data derived from field sizes with soybeans and comparing cropsa
- Recording of the claw angle in Fleckvieh and Braunvieh in the routine progeny evaluation
- Recycling of maize straw in biogas production - Review of substrate production and fermentation behavior
- Recycling of organic wastes: residues and contaminant levels
- Reducing anitbiotic employment in dairy cattle farming by selectively drying off milking cows - transfer into practice
- Reducing NH3 losses from application of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and increasing nitrogen use efficiency of fertilization
- Reducing the use of antibiotics in dairy cattle by selective drying off
- Reduction of protein overhangs in cattle feeding by optimized ration design with use of rumen-protected amino acids
- Reduction of wildlife losses during mowing exemplarily for fawns - wildlife danger areas and effectiveness of detection and chilling methods: subproject 1 wildlife biology
- Reduction or replacement of copper-containing pesticides in organic hop
- Relationship of nitrogen and phosphorus in Bavarian lakes and its impact on the growth of vendance
- Release and establishment of predatory mites for the sustainable control of spider mites in hops
- Renovation of recommendations of pond construction
- Resarch activities towards hop wilt control
- Research and Development in Tissue Culture Techniques Phase II
- Research and studies on Verticillium wilt of hops
- Research into the hereditary of zinc deficiency in Simmental cattle
- Research project Crop Production Systems of the Future - Biodivers - Soil Conservation - Digital Subproject Biodiversity
- Research Project Wild Plants mixtures: possibilities and limits of energy recovery from wild plants mixtures in biogas plants
- Research projects to combat western corn rootworm
- Residential agricultural buildings in timber construction without preventive chemical wood preservative (use class 0)
- Residues of contaminants in slurries (slurry monitoring)
- Resource adaptive mobile assistance system for complex agricultural machinery
- Results-oriented remuneration in grassland
- Revision of the training of the LKV ring advisors
- Rhizo4Bio (Phase 1): RhizoTraits - Rhizosphere traits increase resilience of yield in innovative cropping systems - subproject C
- RiskFIT - Risk forecasts on fitness and animal welfare indicators
- Rye in pig feeding
- Satellite project 'forage and grassland mix (AGM) ' in the context of the Framework Programme of the FNR 'Development and comparison of optimized production systems for the agricultural production of energy crops under different site conditions Germany (EVA II) '
- Scientific literature study on farm manure processing including market analysis and practice survey
- Scientific monitoring and optimization of a new biogas process from Hörmann Energy GmbH for the efficient exploitation of renewable resources on the basis of a thermophilic hydrolysis using bacterial cultures selectively enriched
- Scientific monitoring of pilot plants for biogas production - Economy
- Scientific monitoring of the pilot farms
- Screening of wheat cross material and breeding lines in respect of susceptibility for bunt duseases on freshly infested and ecologically farmed fields
- Securing of sweet cherries growing in Bavaria
- Securing of sweet cherries growing in Bavaria
- Seed mixtures native to the area used for compensation areas with sheep grazing
- Seed treatment clover grass
- Seedcoating of maize for bird repellence
- Selection, evaluation and optimization of methods and techniques for the application of liquid manure or liquid digestate in maize
- Set up of guidance documents to minimize the use of growth regulators and to superiorly evaluate respective cultivar performance of winter wheat
- Set-up of a breeding valuation as regards the trait teat placement backward
- Set-up of a joint concept EBV with Austria
- Set-up of a LIMS in AQU
- Set-up of a multiplex digital DiRT-PCR for parallel testing of viruses and pathogen infection by blackleg and bacterial wilt in potatoes
- Shortening the rearing period of table carp from 3 to 2 years
- Silage characteristics and silage quality of organic and conventional provenance
- Single Step Candidate Run Light
- Small freestall barns dairy farming
- Small measures to improve animal welfare in raising of dairy cattle in existing stables
- Smart LEDs functions in dairy cattle farming for food, rest and walk
- Soil erosion in Bavaria
- Soil exposure by heavy machinery in the arable land
- Soluble ammonium nitrate (= available to the plants) contents of inorganic substances in arable soils
- Soy in Bavaria: Efficient use of natural diversity in marker-assisted breeding of climate-adapted soy varieties for domestic cultivation
- Species enrichment in intensivly used grassland - transfer of the experience from nature conservation on agriculture
- Specific activity, toxicity and physiological Supplementierungstests on key activities in the biogas process to provide a 'on-site diagnostic service ' for the optimization of plant operation
- Specific leguminoses for organic farming - developmental perspectives of crop management´s view
- Specification of the necessary size of the lying area in calf husbandry according to TSchNutztVO §5 (1)
- Stationary endurance test for fermentation residues and demand fertilization of intensive biogas crop rotation (corn silage, triticale GPS, ryegrass) (V554)
- Stationary endurance test for fermentation residues and demand fertilization of intensive biogas crop rotation (corn silage, triticale GPS, ryegrass) (V554S)
- Stationary plant for solid and liquid manure, biowaste and biogas substrates
- Status quo analysis of weed control in organic farming of medicinal and spice plants
- Steering animal production systems towards sustainable future (ERA-Net SusAn)
- Steps towards biodiversity-based crop production systems - linking and developing of research approaches in Ruhstorf
- Stickstoffdünung amount of biogas in crop rotations
- Strategies for breeding treating hereditary defects and genetic peculiarities in cattle breeding
- Strategies to reduce and avoid copper in organic potato production. Subproject A: measures for the reduction of the primary infestation
- Strengthening Bavarian piglet farming by sustainable and animal welfare compatible selection means in self-remontant piglet farming
- Studies of various types of pain management in view of the most animal-friendly destroying of horn-producing cells and its practical feasibility
- Studies on automatic submission of mixed feed for cattle
- Studies on boar fattening and for keeping lactating sows in pens that allow movement
- Studies on silage losses in grass silage in round bales as a function of storage and silage agent use
- Studies on the behavior and the hoof health of fattening bulls to optimize the lying areas
- Studies on the effectiveness of the pairing program OptiBull
- Studies on the lying behavior of dairy cows to optimize the cubicle
- Studies on the reduction of PVY (Potato Virus Y) infection in seed potatoes
- Studies on yields, qualities and ensilability of TEFF grass in catch crop cultivation compared to arable grass
- Studies to improve the animal welfare of pigs: Alternative stables for fattening pigs, piglets and insemination sows as well as movement bays for nursing sows
- Studies to increase the diversification of maize production for substrate production and feed production through mixed cultivation of maize with flowering plants and legumes
- Study of long-term behavior of the electrical efficiency biogas-powered CHP in practice
- Study on the material use of crops for the chemical industry
- Study the effects of intense crushing of maize straw in rotary combines the Fusariumbelastung in the following crop winter wheat
- Subproject in the action program 'Home-grown protein feeds': market - value creation - transparency
- Success control for species conservation programs of the Bavarian fishery
- Successful arable farming strategies in Bavarian drylands
- Sulphate fertiziling for peas
- Support and further development of the ILB website
- Suppression of water ragwort in grassland with bioherbicides
- Survey on organic farms in pigs to determine the feed ingredients and the potential ratio designs, creating a feeding primer for consultants, students, farmers
- Surveys on the price situation for the Bavarian trout market
- Sustainable use of grassland in the Alps and Alpine foothills in climate change
- SYNBREED R3.3: Genome-based breeding strategies in cattle
- System comparison of different weed control methods in winter grain cultivation
- System comparison of different weedcontrol methods in maize cultivation
- Systematic comparison of modern hay ventilation procedures at the LVFZ Achselschwang (operation part Hübschried) and economic investigations in haymilk and silage operations
- Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) against Two-spotted spider mites in hop cultivation: Analysis as a tool in Integrated Pest Management
- Technical production trial to assess the fertilising effect of foliar fertilisers at typical cultivation conditions of organic farming
- Technical review and reassessment of manure
- Technical revision of the ecological total breeding value
- Test trait of front line position in Simmental cattle
- Testing and evaluation of the impact of additional tools for precision airseeders for mulch sowing of corn
- Testing different medium-weight turkey origins under animal welfare label conditions
- Testing of breeding material and cultivardevelopment in common buckwheat (Fagopyrumesculentum Moench)using genome-wide diversityand association analyses
- Testing of breeding material in faba bean with decreased levels antinutritiver factors (especially tannins, Vicin and Convicin)
- Testing of sewage sludge ashes as P-fertilizer in organic farming
- Testing of the innovative aquaponics technology as a closed-loop system for fish production in indoor facilities (PFIP)
- Testing of welfare stables for weaned piglets in view of animal welfare and practicability
- Testing the effectiveness of raw phosphate
- Testing the efficacy of electron treatment of seeds against anthracnose in white lupin
- Testing the sowing time of white lupins
- Testing various methods of mechanical weed control in organically grown soybeans
- Testing, evaluation and demonstration of technology for mechanical weed control in mulch crops providing a high degree of soil cover
- Testing, evaluation and optimisation of automated procedures for mechanical weed control.
- Testing, evaluation and optimization of automated methods for mechanical weed control
- The rural family in Bavaria
- The trade of pork and poultry meat between Bayern and USA considering the negotiations for Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and US
- The use of monolaurin in piglet rearing
- Tibial hemimelia, a complex malformation syndrome in cattle
- Undersowings in ecological winter triticale, influencing the cover crop with regard to yield and quality, influencing the following crop spring oat with regard to yield and quality
- Undersowings in organic wheat, influencing the cover crop with regard to yield and quality, influencing of the following crop winter triticale with regard to yield and quality
- Unleashing the hidden potential of the anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycota)
- Use intensity and manure fertilizer in organic farming permanent grassland
- Use of grassland to produce biogas. Subproject: Monitoring of biogas production systems
- Use of guanidino acetic acid with pigs
- Use of modern production methods in juvenile fish production: Development and testing of cold water partial cycle processes for the production of juvenile fish
- Use of regionally produced larvae of the black soldier fly as a fish feed
- Use of rubber mats in husbandry of pregnant sows
- Use of the spatial reporting platform Cadenza to make agricultural and climate data accessible
- Using Copernicus for Bavaria's grassland
- Using genomics for embryo (cattle)
- Using straw of grain maize as biogas substrate - ensiling properties, economic processing and fermentability in biogas plants
- Using straw of grain maize as biogas substrate - ensiling properties, economic processing and fermentability in biogas plants, subproject microbiology
- Utilization of sources for tolerance against loose smut in spring barley to improve resistance in organic farming
- Validation of genomic selection for pigs
- Validation of humus balance methods
- Validation practice-relevant markers for breeding climate-adapted and healthy barley varieties
- Value added chain for high-quality products
- Value conferring ingredients in valerian
- Variance of the nutrient levels of various liquid manures
- Variety screening of population rye
- Variety trials for grain corn in organic farming
- Variety trials on blue lupins in organic farming
- Variety trials on chickpeas in organic farming
- Variety trials on faba beans in organic farming
- Variety trials on field beans in organic farming
- Variety trials on field peas grain use in organic farming
- Variety trials on grain corn in organic farming
- Variety trials on oat in organic farming
- Variety trials on oats in organic farming
- Variety trials on potato (early to late varieties) in organic farming
- Variety trials on potato (very early varieties) in organic farming
- Variety trials on potatoes (early varieties) in organic farming
- Variety trials on potatoes (very early to early varieties) under the conditions of organic farming
- Variety trials on silage corn in organic farming
- Variety trials on silage corn in organic farming
- Variety trials on soybean in organic farming
- Variety trials on soybean in organic farming
- Variety trials on spring barley in organic farming
- Variety trials on summer barley in organic farming
- Variety trials on summer wheat in organic farming
- Variety trials on summer wheat in organic farming
- Variety trials on summer wheat in organic farming. Factor variety and sowing time
- Variety trials on summer wheat in organic farming. Factor variety and time of soil preparation
- Variety trials on white lupins in organic farming
- Variety trials on winter barley in organic farming
- Variety trials on winter rye in organic farming
- Variety trials on winter rye in organic farming
- Variety trials on winter triticale in organic farming
- Variety trials on winter triticale in organic farming
- Variety trials on winter wheat in organic farming
- Variety trials on winter wheat in organic farming
- Variety trials on Winterspelz in organic farming
- Variety trials to feed peas seed use in organic farming
- Variety trials to spelt in organic farming
- Variety trials with blue coloured lupins in organic farming
- Vegetation development after recultivation of flood debris accumulations
- Web-based evaluation and optimization of biogas plants in inventory
- Weed control in maize growing with no-tillage practices
- WeideInsight: Added value in herd management through cost-effective, hybrid localisation and smart data integration
- Wildlife habitat consultancy in Bavaria
- Working economy in ecological pig farming
- Working Group for Cider and Distilled Pears in Bavaria
- Yield and quality assurance in grain: selection by controlled drought stress, follow-up project barley
Coordinated collaborative projects of subordinate institutions
Subordinate institutions as work package leader of collaborative projects
Involved in research projects
- Accompanying research on plant oil fuelled tractors operated at Bavarian state test farms (BayTrak)
- Allele search for resistance genes from wild barley using a 'nested association' (NAM)-mapping population (IZN project - Interdisciplinary Center for Crop Research)
- BayKlimaFit: Strategies for the adaptation of crop plants to the climate change. Subproject 10: Disease-resistance of climate-adapted barley plants
- BayKlimaFit: Strategies for the adaptation of crop plants to the climate change. Subproject 2: Improving cold tolerance of maize
- BayKlimaFit: Strategies for the adaptation of crop plants to the climate change. Subproject 5: Heat and drought tolerance of barley
- Climate protection with renewable drive systems on state-owned research farms
- Collaborative project: Development of high performance and generative duplicable lines of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) by conventional production of homozygous lines as a condition for synthetics or hybrids; Subproject 1: JKI
- Collaborative project: Genome-based strategies to use the tertiary gene-pool for breeding of climate-smart wheat - subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Innovative ways of regional sustainable use of animal genetic resources in domestic chickens. Coordination
- Collaborative project: Paludicultures in Bavarian fen soils - development, environmental relevance and impacts as well as its applications and economic efficiency
- Conversion of a silo cover based on renewable raw materials into practice
- Cooperative test Bavaria concerning the use of herb-rich sowings as biogas substrate (phase II)
- Cooperative test to create a valid data basis for economic evaluation of herb-rich sowings used as biogas substrate in Bavaria 2011 - 2013
- Demonstration project silphie crop growing in the northern ´Frankenalb´; agricultural counselling via the technology and support center
- Demonstration project: Indicators for the early detection of nitrate loads in crop cultivation. Coordination
- Determination of the pest status of Tilletia controversa
- Development and evaluation of weed application maps for the use of robots for mechanical weed control
- Development and testing of an agroforestry system combining organic agriculture and short rotation forest
- Development of a Covering Material from feedable raw material - Stage 2
- Development of a multiplex digital DiRT-PCR to test for potato viruses and blackleg bacteria directly on the same tuber sap
- Development of an automated decision support system for resource-efficient irrigation in horticulture and agriculture
- Development of cost of production for alternative production systems and management practices in agriculture
- Development of sectorspecific guidelines of integrated pest management in stored product protection
- Development of suitable application strategies of antagonsitic fungi for control of soil dwelling pests and diseases
- Digestate Trial Bavaria - Assessment of the longterm sustainanbility of the conversion pathways biogas and biomass-to-liquid
- Dual land use through horticultural production associated with digitalised control of agri-photovoltaic modules as an adaptive strategy against climate change and for expanding renewable energies
- Efficient utilization of wastes - Cell free fermentation of lactose and extraction of residual protein from agricultural waste streams
- Emission and operation characteristics of a biomethane fuelled tractor with pilot injection engine – Investigation on a tractor test stand and in practice
- Emission and Operation Characteristics of Vegetable Oil Compatible Tractors - Test Stand Studies and Field Tests
- Energy efficiency in agriculture
- Examination of efficiency of bleeding slaughter pigs on degree of bleeding out and meat quality
- Further Risk Management fort the EC listed Anoplophora Species, A. chinensis and A. glabripennis
- Gemeinschaftlich züchten für eine ressourcenschonende und effiziente Milch- und Fleischerzeugung
- Genome based selection systems for baking quality and resistance in elite germplasm in winter wheat under moderate nitrogen fertilization. Subproject 2
- Genomics-based approach for the utilization of the secondary gene pool for a sustainable barley breeding (TRANS-BULB), sub-project B
- Herbicide-free weed control in horticultures focusing on robotics, mulch materials and adaption of crop management taking into account human resource management and costs
- Identification, modification and deployment of genetic factors controlling resistance to important pathogens in barley
- Improving availability of food for honey bees and blossom-visiting insects by attracting long-flowering perennials gaining energy and increasing biodiversity - project term 2
- Influence of running on walking ability, bone density, performance as well as carcass and meat quality by male turkeys
- Innovative strategies for controlling Verticillium wilt in hops
- Investigation, evaluation and development of biogas processes (especially with co-fermentation) including the energetical utilization of biogas.
- Market for organic aquaculture products
- MoniTrak: long-term monitoring of exhaust emissions, efficiency and reliability of vegetable oil compatible tractors to the Bavarian government experimental farms
- Potential of potato pulp using paludiculture material for biogas production
- Preparation of a Bavarian biomass resource strategy - scientific basics and recommendations
- Quantification of the reliability of cytoplasmic male sterility in maize as confinement tool
- Risk prediction of animal welfare indicators based on the data network of the official milk recording in Bavaria
- Scientific monitoring of the measure: Climate-compatible management of state-owned properties
- Selection and breeding of nutrient efficient and late blight resistant potato breeding lines for sustainable organic farming
- Strategies for reduction of bacterial diseases in horticulture in Bavaria - Optimization of the diagnostic methods for detection of the bacterial pathogen
- Studies on impact of management practices of carp ponds on the expression of the Koi herpes virus infection in Bavaria and Saxony
- Successful arable farming strategies in Bavarian dryland environments
- Successful Strategies Establishing Mulitfunctional Agro-Forestry-Systems on dry Stands
- Successful Strategies Establishing Multifunctional Agro-Forestry-Systems on dry Stands
- Survey of genetic diversity of drought stress tolerance in Lolium perenne as prerequisite for development of marker based selection and breeding strategies for cultivars adapted to climate changes
- Weed control in ecological farm with vegetable culture under special view of modern RTK-control, Ultrasound and camera technique including working labour organization and costs.
- Yield stability, establishment and environmental effects of perennial energy crops
Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture
Vöttinger Straße 38
85354 Freising
Phone: +49 (0)8161 8640-5000
Fax: +49 (0)8161 8640-5555
Email: Poststelle(@)lfl.bayern.de