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Institute for Grapevine Breeding Geilweilerhof (JKI-ZR)
Section overview
Main tasks of the Institute for Grapevine Breeding Geilweilerhof are:
grapevine breeding
breeding technologies
genetic resources and grapevine repository
information centre for vine and wine.
- Research
Parent institution
Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants – Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI)
Coordinated projects
- Analysis of grapevine promoters for specific expression of genes relevant in breeding
- Analysis of resistance to powdery mildew of grapevine on genomic level
- Analysis of the genetic variation of flowering time genes and their control network in grapevine
- Automated Evaluation and Comparison of Grapevine Genotypes by means of Grape Cluster Architecture
- Breeding of vines resistant to fungus diseases (Plasmopara, Oidium, Botrytis) with high quality
- Breeding potential discovery by multidisciplinary characterization of Armenian grape germplasm
- Characterizing of suitable grapevine progenies in order to develop molecular markers for crown gall (agrobacterium vitis) resistance
- Collaborative project: a contribution of viticulture to the goals of the COP21-conference in Paris: sensor utilization in viticulture with minimized CO2-footprint and fungus-resistant cultivars - subproject 3
- Collaborative project: An electrospun wound protection against Esca of grapevine - subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Development of automated techniques for early field diagnosis of downy mildew, Plasmopara viticola, for adapted plant protection in organic viticulture
- Collaborative project: Development of efficient high throughput (HT) techniques for selection of grapevine cultivars with high acid stabilty, 1: Development of markers for acid content for MAS in crossbreeding of Vitis vinifera - subproject 2
- Collaborative project: Development of monitoring techniques (air, soil) for the identification of phytoplasma diseases in vineyards with focus on the quarantine pest Flavescence dorée phytoplasma - subproject A
- Collaborative project: Digitalization within the value-added chain network viticulture: From planting to grape delivery - subproject 1: Coordination
- Collaborative project: Identification and characterization of mildew resistance in grapes using subtractive EST arrays - Subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Increasing the contents of positive and decreasing the contents of negative compounds in grape berries (Vitis vinifera) - Subproject 1
- Collaborative project: Knowledge-based measures for sustainable crop protection for long-term maintenance of peronospora resistance in fungus-resistant grapevine cultivars - Subproject B
- Collaborative project: Molecular analysis of grapevine cluster architecture. Coordination
- Collaborative project: Multi resistant Vitis rootstocks – development of innovative, international competitive rootstocks for northern wine growing regions. Subproject 1
- Combining innovation in vineyard management and genetic diversity for a sustainable European viticulture
- Conservation of genetic resources of Vitis vinifera L. by innovative sustainable use of historical varieties in vineyards of Saxony and Saale-Unstrut
- Database Vitis-VEA
- Determination of the relationship between allelic constitution and the flowering time phenotype in grapevine
- Development of a marker for resistance against black rot (Guignardia bidwellii) for use in grapevine breeding
- Development of diagnostic tools to early determine wine quality parameter for grapevine breeding
- Development of innovative strategies for sustainable plant protection in viticulture. Part: Identification and comparative analysis of candidate genes for resistance to contribute to the elucidation of different resistance mechanisms
- Development of knowledge transfer- and information-systems for a sustainable utilization of grapevine genetic resources
- Development of pre-symptomatic and specific detection methods of grapevine diseases like esca, phytoplasmoses and virus diseases as a basis for regional monitoring of vineyards and the development of control strategies, Subproject 1
- Development of standardized methods for phenotyping of grapevine
- Enhancing quality management and quantity of Vitis genetic resources in AEGIS
- Ensuring survival of the wild vine Vitis vinifera in the Rhine water meadows by specific In Situ Management
- Evaluation of important characters of new promising breeding material: tolerance to abiotic factors
- Evaluation of the genetic resources with regard to important breeding characteristics
- Evaluation of Vitis species on resistance characteristics
- Ex-situ collection of the genetic resources (grapevine collection). Establishment of a reference database with pictures, SSR-marker data, herbarium material and descriptor data as a basis for the assessment of true-to-typeness.
- Examinations to improve the conversion rate of somatic embryos
- Functional analysis of the Asian resistance loci Rpv12 and Rpv10 against downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) of grapevine
- Genome-based identification of resistance genes for breeding purposes in order to reduce the use of plant protection products in viticulture
- Grapevine breeding aproaches to combat Drosophila suzukii
- High-throughput phenotyping of yield parameters and mildew in grapevines (PHENOvines) - Project A: Phenotyping in vineyards
- Identification of 'quality'-chromosomes in Vitis for early diagnosis of wine quality
- Increasing the efficiency of wild grapevine genetic resources in Europe
- Interreg IV 'Bacchus'
- Investigation of the relevance of candidate genes in the major resistance QTL region of 'Regent' to powdery mildew (Erisyhe necator)
- Investigation of the resistance locus Rpv10 directed against Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) of Grapevine in comparison to Rpv3
- Investigation of transcriptional regulation and functional characterisation of fungus disease candidate resistance genes in grapevine
- Investigation of transcriptional regulation and functional characterisation of fungus disease candidate resistance genes in gropevine
- Investigations for maintenance of genetic resources of grapevines
- Mapping of Grapevine Genetic Loci for Resistance to Downy Mildew and to Anthracnose
- Molecular Characterization of Erysiphe necator (powdery mildew) resistance loci from the grapevine cultivar 'Regent' and its signaling network ´RenLocNet´
- Molecular Charcterization of the resistance locus Ren3 against Erysiphe necator (powdery mildew) from the grapevine cultivar 'Regent'
- Novel viticulture systems for sustainable production and products
- On-farm inventory of minor grape varieties in the European Vitis Database
- Phenotypic and genetic evaluation of mildew resistance characteristics in grapes collected in Turkey
- Physical mapping and molecular analysis of regions which are relevant to breeding of the grapevine genome
- Predictive Breeding for Wine Quality
- Predictive breeding for wine quality (phase 2)
- Predictive Breeding for Wine Quality (phase 2)
- Production of embryogenic tissue from anther culture
- Pyramidising of resistance genes for conventional breeding
- Responsiveness of powdery mildew (PM; Erysiphe necator) resistant grapevine cultivars and breeding lines (Vitis spec.) against genetically diverse North American PM isolates for future breeding programs
- Test of new varieties and breeding strains under the regime for organic viticulture
- The development of molecular markers for the resistance towards Plasmopara viticola of the Asian wild species V. amurensis
- The wild grape: a valuable source of genes for grapevine breeding
- Toward a sustainable viticulture: Improved grapevine productivity and tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses by combining resistant cultivars and beneficial microorganisms
- Trilateral Project: GrapeReSeq; Large scale re-sequencing in the Vitis genus for identification of resistance genes, SNP discovery and high throughput genotyping
- Use of genetic resources of the European wild grape for the breeding of black rot and mildew resistant grapevines
- VitiFuture
Work package leader of collaborative projects
Involved in research projects
- Development of a strategy for sustainable expansion of organic farming
- Ensuring survival of the wild vine Vitis vinifera L. var sylvestris Gmelin in the Rhine water meadows by specific in situ management
- Identification and genetic mapping of novel resistances of Maréchal Foch and the Asian wild type Vitis amurensis towards Plasmopara viticola
- Interpretative 3D plant architecture
- Risk assessment for scale insects in German vineyards with regard to leafroll virus epidemiology
Institute for Grapevine Breeding Geilweilerhof
76833 Siebeldingen
Phone: +49 06345/41-0
Fax: +49 06345/919050
Email: zr(@)julius-kuehn.de