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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Development, creation and implementation of a comprehensive consumer information system for allergen labelling of non-prepacked products in the craft butchers trade


Project code: 2816401208
Contract period: 01.09.2008 - 31.12.2009
Budget: 94,848 Euro
Purpose of research: Experimental development

Although 30 percent of all meat products are sold non pre-packed, no uniform system for allergen labelling exists. Therefore, the German Butcher's Association develops a comprehensive consumer information system to be used by customers and sales staff at the counter or in the butcher shop. It will be supplemented with supporting documents for sales staff and information about optimised production processes for the craft butcher. The information system consists of a product guide for display at the point of sale. It contains all relevant information about allergens in meat products and will be complemented with pictures, information about additives and nutritional values, about production, storage and preparation. A further component of the information system is a web-based application for the adaption of the product information give in the guide or the creation of individual product information to be added to the guide. Thus, the product guide can be customised for the exact range of products in the respective craft butcher shop. The information system serves as a tool for the improvement of craft butchers products in terms of the reduction or omission of the use of allergens. Furthermore, it can be used for in-service training of sales staff or as a basis for trainings and seminars in cooperation with the DAAB.

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