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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

The Farm-Food-Climate Challenge is an innovation platform that uses the Open Social Innovation Methodology to support and promote solutions for a sustainable agriculture and food system. This happens through the coordinated action of stakeholders from administration, economy, science and civil society (FFC)


Project code: 2819104X21
Contract period: 01.11.2021 - 31.10.2023
Budget: 451,887 Euro
Purpose of research: Public relations
Keywords: climate (climate relevance, climate protection, climate change)

In line with the Farm-to-Fork strategy of the European Green Deal, the Farm-Food-Climate Challenge aims to develop concrete solutions for sustainable agriculture and nutrition.This means developing and implementing solutions, together with citizens and farmers that promote regenerative methods in agriculture and sustainable nutrition and make the food system more climate-friendly. This goal will be achieved using the Open Social Innovation methodology, since we assume that the upcoming socio-ecological transformation will not be dictated from above from politics and the state, but will have to be shaped jointly by the state and society. It is about using swarm intelligence and the ideas of the citizens, meaning to identify, test, promote and implement the best ideas. Central to this is collaboration with implementation partners from politics, business and civil society, with whom innovations can be piloted and scaled. This is what we call Open Social Innovation. The Farm-Food-Climate Challenge is therefore a laboratory for joint solutions that can make the agricultural and food sector fit for the future. We aim to actively involve a high diversity of stakeholders along the entire agricultural and food value chain in the process of developing solutions. This therefore includes the shaping of policies and legal framework conditions of the agricultural and food sector.

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ProjectTogether gGmbH

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