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Mob Grazing in forage cultivation- economical and ecological evaluation of a new grazing method


Climate change

This project contributes to the research aim 'Climate Change'. What are the sub-aims? Take a look:
Climate change

Project code: EIP-Agri-BR-2021-LPTTHB
Contract period: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023
Budget: 524,323 Euro
Purpose of research: Inventory & Assessment
Keywords: farming practice/activity, animal husbandry, soil, climate change

Climate Change, frequent droughts and decreasing soil fertilitiy are increasing problems for the agriculture in Brandenburg. Could mob grazing offer an alternative to the common system of pasture? The practical approach targets this question by increasing forage cultivation to raise soil fertility and resilience of topsoil. At the same time it will be approached, if new mulch layers will be developed by the movement of the cows and if humus can be build in that process. Furthermore economical outcomes will be studied.

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