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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Compostable packaging solutions for food application (KompoPack)


Project code: 281A703X20
Contract period: 15.07.2022 - 14.01.2024
Budget: 467,263 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: packaging, resource protection, resource efficiency, sustainability

traceless is an innovative Circular Bioeconomy start-up that produces an alternative material to conventional (bio)plastics in order to contribute to solving global plastic pollution. Based on our patent-pending technology, we produce a novel, natural material whose properties are already comparable in many respects to those of conventional plastics, while being fully biocircular. Our material is based on residues from food production, is residue-free and home-compostable within a short time, as it is not chemically modified or synthetically polymerized and therefore does not fall under the SUPD Directive (2019/904/EU). It is in no way harmful to humans or the environment and is competitively priced on an industrial scale. The aim of this project is to pre-competitively develop our traceless film material for application in the food market to make a significant contribution to the reduction of plastic packaging. An initial market entry is planned in the confectionery packaging sector. Scaling up film production from our traceless base material, conducting application tests and product optimizations, and obtaining necessary food certifications and approvals in this project will allow us to launch a first packaging solution for the food sector. In the long term, demonstrating the applicability of our materials in the food sector will also help us to generate further demand for traceless product solutions and secure funding for a first fully automated demonstration plant, which will be the final technology scaling step on the way to an industrial plant that will then enable us to produce our materials at competitive prices from 2025 onwards.

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Excutive institution

traceless materials GmbH

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