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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Regional value chains for organically produces tea and spice plants: potentials, obstacles, cooperations - ÖKOPLANT


Project code: ÖKOPLANT
Contract period: 01.08.2023 - 31.07.2026
Budget: 109,511 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: data collection, direct marketing, aromatic herbs, market, value chains, organic farming

The aim of the project is to develop market shares and to improve the positioning of domestic organic herb cultivation in value chains. To this end, existing value chains in organic tea and spice herb cultivation throughout Germany are being analysed. On the other hand, action spaces will be provided for the various actors along the value chain. With the planned analysis of organic value chains, development potentials and innovation opportunities can be identified as well as obstacles and barriers in the cooperation of the different actor groups along the value chain stages. The action spaces provide a forum for cooperation and knowledge exchange and thus form the 'breeding ground' for regional organic value chains. The project creates a value chain network that aims to show future perspectives for this branch of agricultural production. The aim is to promote regional value chains that can secure and expand the sales market for organically produced herbs. This will provide food processing and trading companies and ultimately also the end consumers with high-quality, healthy food. Cooperation and communication shall intensify knowledge about the value of organic tea and spice plants along the value chain and thus promote the added value of herbs from local cultivation. At the cultivation level, strategies are initiated to increase the value added in the agricultural cultivation business (such as the bundling of cost-intensive processing and refinement steps), thereby strengthening the level of agricultural raw material production. Knowledge is also strengthened in the areas of quality assurance through targeted training offers.

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  • Specialised crops
  • Market Analysis/Marketing Strategy
  • Organic Farming
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Excutive institution

Ökoplant e.V.

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