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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Benefits of legume nurse crop in pea seeds: weed suppression, symbiotic N2 fixation and N preceding crop effect in systems of differentiated primary tillage


Project code: 2811OE089
Contract period: 05.06.2013 - 15.06.2016
Budget: 199,543 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

Several potential benefits for building soil fertility are provided by the growing of pulses. The most prominent are their ability for biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and their value in designing sustainable crop rotations. Loose-soil husbandry (LSH) and no-plough firm-soil mulch husbandry (FSMH) enhance soil fertility based on erosion control and soil organic matter accumulation. The objective of the project is to optimize growing systems for pulses with reduced soil tillage focussing on cover crop choice, mechanical weed control and crop nutrient supply. Field experiments will be carried out on several sites with site specific optimizing approaches. One project will focus on nutrient supply of faba bean and soy bean with special emphasis on sulphur including a combined underfeed fertilisation with rock phosphates. Methods to control weeds via cover crop management and the use of innovative tools (roller harrow) will be assessed in the second project focussing on faba bean. A third project will work on optimizing strategies for reduced soil tillage systems for peas and blue lupine controlling weeds with chopped green waste. It is expected that the innovative approaches will contribute to the improvement of organic growing techniques and the performance of important grain legume species in Germany.

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  • Crop Production
  • Crop Protection
  • Agricultural Engineering Plant Production
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