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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Development of strategies of resistance and virulence management for the codling moth granulovirus in organic fruit production (Codling moth granulovirus in organic fruit production)


Project code: 2815OE110
Contract period: 01.04.2017 - 31.03.2020
Budget: 34,350 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

The current strategy for the control of the codling moth in organic fruit production is based on a combination of different methods (pheromone confusion, codling moth granuloviruses (CpGV), entomopathogenic nematodes, etc.). Products based on CpGV are important for an effective control of codling moth in organic and integrated farming. Due to the occurrence of resistance in nearly 30 orchards in Germany, the successful control of codling moth is not secured. In the past few years new resistance-breaking CpGV isolates have been selected by intensive basic and practice-oriented research. However, new types of resistance were observed in southern and northern Germany. For that purpose further studies on a sustainable and long-term strategy of codling moth control are necessary. The objective of the proposal is to study the occurrence of CpGV resistance and to develop the best strategies of the resistance and virulence management for CpGV in ecological fruit production. In 2015, in some orchards the control of codling moth failed by use of the resistance-breaking CpGV isolate V15, therefore, further monitoring and investigations of the resistance mechanisms have to be carried out. These studies include the inbreeding of codling moth populations and single-pair or mass crossings under selection pressure to establish genetically homogeneous lines. By selecting CpGV isolates, the virulence will be increased and new isolates will be tested in the laboratory and in the field. In long-term studies with the CpGV isolate V15 and other restistance overcoming isolates, a monitoring of the infestation and the resistance status (rapid test in the laboratory) will be examined. A simulation of different strategies for resistance management with available new CpGV isolates is carried out in the laboratory in order to provide recommendations for the practical use of resistance-breaking CpGV isolates. The improvement of the effectivity of CpGV by combination with additives will be investigated and additionally tested in the field. In addition, results should be generated about feasibility and potential negative impact of a single row netting for codling moth control on physiological growth-, yield- and quality parameters ahead of implementation in practice.

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Excutive institution

Horticulture Centre (KOGA)

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