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Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Collaborative project: Use of new molecular techniques for improving the breeding of bud-flowering Calluna vulgaris L. (Hull): an interdisciplinary approach for strengthening innovation and competitiveness. – Subproject 2


Project code: 2814303907
Contract period: 01.03.2008 - 31.05.2011
Budget: 77,189 Euro
Purpose of research: Experimental development

Within a research cooperation between the heather breeder Heidepflanzen Peter de Winkel and the Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) a systematic breeding methodology has been developed for the specific flower type 'bud-flower' in heather (Calluna vulgaris). Extensive breeding material has been collected and a system for phenotyping and selection has been developed. Moreover, the biology of flower and seed development has been studied in detail in order to deduce efficient techniques for control of flower time, pollination and seed germination. Moreover, the genetics of the trait “bud flowering” has been analyzed using modern molecular biology tools. Based on molecular markers a genetic map has been constructed. Additionally, a comprehensive sequence database of the different flower types has been developed. By means of comparative analyses of the sequence data several transcription factors have been identified that are involved in the development of 'bud flowers'.

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Excutive institution

Heidepflanzen Peter de Winkel

Associated projects: Use of new molecular techniques for improving the breeding of bud-flowering Calluna vulgaris L. (Hull): an interdisciplinary approach for strengthening innovation and competitiveness

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