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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Evaluation of carbon sink role below the plowpan, environmental impact, crop yield and soil quality after SRC recultivation (PostKUP)


Project code: 2219NR440
Contract period: 15.02.2020 - 14.02.2023
Budget: 142,828 Euro
Purpose of research: Experimental development
Keywords: short rotation coppice, C-dynamic, N-dynamic, climate change

The present research project focuses on evaluating how the reconversion of short rotation coppices (SRC) to arable land affects the function of deep soil (>30 cm) as a carbon sink. Relevant impacts on the environment and effects on agricultural production will be evaluated for three former SRC plots and compared to control plots at two study sites (Potsdam, Großthiemig). Four specific project objectives will be assessed and related to the length of the SRC rotation period. (1) The impact of coarse roots on carbon sequestration in top and deep soil of the three plots in Potsdam: This includes the quantification of coarse and fine roots, soil organic carbon content and root decomposition rates in different soil depths (litter bag method). (2) Environmental impacts including greenhouse gas emissions (closed chamber method) and the related nitrogen dynamic will be assessed for SRC and control plots. In addition, the three SRC plots at Potsdam will be used to quantify and evaluate nitrogen leaching rates and balances by Self-Integrating Accumulators (SIA) and by the Integrated Dissolution Rate (IDR) method. As the methods are not suitable to quantify carbon-leaching, the dynamic of C- and N-losses will be assessed through soil column experiments with innovative online monitoring equipment that will be refined and tested during the project. With the focus on practice, for both study sites (3) rooting depth and soil chemical and physical characteristics as well as (4) crop yields in the first years after SRC reconversion will compared for the former SRC and control plots. The results will be used to evaluate the impact of SRC on soil quality after reconversion. The PostKUP project will provide essential data for the formulation of best practice guidelines and will hold a field day for practitioners at the end of the project.

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