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Collaborative project: Novel protein-based sugar substitutes with improved gustatory and processing properties - subproject C (NovelSweets)


Project code: 281A604C19
Contract period: 15.09.2020 - 14.09.2023
Budget: 213,701 Euro
Purpose of research: Experimental development
Keywords: ingredients, processing, prevention, human nutrition, product quality, nutrients, process quality, biotechnology, nutrition, food processing

The NovelSweets project aims at the development of novel sweet-tasting proteins (SPs) with improved product and process properties, the process development of a cost-efficient production method and the preparation of the approval requirements for a protein-based sweetener as novel food or novel food additive. On the basis of computer-based optimization of protein sequences and in silico models, the limited chemical and process technological properties of naturally occurring SP are to be improved. These include increased temperature stability, extended pH stability and improved sensory properties free of unwanted aftertaste. The improved SP will be produced recombinantly and used as a sugar substitute in products of the project partners. Furthermore, the SP will be marketed as sweetener in powder form or as a general sweetener.

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Excutive institution

candidum GmbH

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