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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Collaborative project: The research project VersiPack: Versatile and self-organising system for user-specific beverage packaging aims to create a novel, versatile system concept for beverage filling and thus enable new business models in the beverage industry - subproject H (VersiPack)


Project code: 281A508H19
Contract period: 15.08.2021 - 14.08.2024
Budget: 56,162 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: beverages, process quality, packaging, food processing, economy, processing, labelling

The aim of the overall project is to create a novel, versatile plant concept for beverage filling. Development, analysis and evaluation are based on flexible and location-independent modules and an Internet of Things technology platform. This will open up new business models especially for the beverage and supplier industry, as well as for small and medium-sized breweries. The aim of this research project is to develop a reference model for a business platform, a standardized interface design on hardware and software level as well as a self-organized configuration of interoperable plant modules.VersiPack is pursuing the development of a versatile cyber-physical production system that allows a distributed and thus more efficient use of resources within the beverage value chain.

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Excutive institution

Weber Marking Systems GmbH

Associated projects: VersiPack

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