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Characterisation of functional traits for sustainable and ecological use of the domestic chicken - University Göttingen


Project code: 2819OE167
Contract period: 01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025
Budget: 417,093 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research
Keywords: poultry, genetic resources, climate (climate relevance, climate protection, climate change), regional value addition, resistance, animal genetic resources, animal health, organic farming

The project ÖkoGen addresses the characterisation of six local chicken breeds and their crosses with commercial lines both broiler and layer, which are established in the associated project 'RegioHuhn'. ÖkoGen aims at the research and suitability of this diversity for organic farming. The seven work packages proposed here represent an extension of the testing of these genetics, which cannot be carried out under station testing and field testing conditions: - resistance to endoparasites, - immunocompetence and virus resistance, and - bone stability as a guarantee of good mobility and animal health, - behaviour as an essential characteristic of animal welfare, - quality and marketing as the basis for acceptance of the tested genetics in society, the consumer community and the market, - breeding planning for the development of appropriate breeding programmes in animal breeding, and - development of strategies for feeding dual-purpose chickens according to their needs. The ÖkoGen project combines the requirements of organic farming for the animals with an overall systemic testing approach of the genetics established in the RegioHuhn project. The characteristics and needs of the animals to be used must be researched in order to meet the requirements of sustainable poultry management and to implement the breeds and their crosses in organic farming. To achieve this goal, ÖkoGen is dedicated to genetic traits of the animals with regard to animal health, animal welfare, animal nutrition, product quality and consumer acceptance, as well as to the conservation and improvement of the genetics through selection in order to be able to use them with their traits for generations.

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Excutive institution

University of Goettingen

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