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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Collaborative project: Identification and functional characterisation of the Co (columnar) -gene in columnar apple varieties as a basis for a systematic use in breeding - Subproject 1


Project code: 2814304207
Contract period: 01.04.2009 - 31.12.2012
Budget: 109,978 Euro
Purpose of research: Experimental development

This project aimed at the efficient selection of columnar apple varieties as a basis for a new production system. The columnar growth type is an accidentally discovered natural mutation of a single gene and is inherited in a dominant way. It has the potential for a less laborintensive production and thus is economically of high interest. We could with great certainty identify the genomic variation causing the columnar growth type. A final prove will follow in the near future. This result allows on the one hand side a functional characterization of the genomic variation causing columnar growth and is thus a key for understanding the genetic control of growth habit in apple. Also, the first real 100% marker for the mutation causing columnar growth has been produced allowing a selection at a very early seedling stage. In addition, a basis for identifying possible QTL´s for the tolerance against apple canker (Nectria galligena) has been laid.

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Associated projects: Identification and functional characterisation of the Co (columnar) -gene in columnar apple varieties as a basis for a systematic use in breeding

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