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‘Stable Schools’ in German organic dairy farming – a pilot study on a concept for animal health and welfare promotion


Project code: 2810OE017
Contract period: 01.10.2010 - 30.06.2013
Budget: 112,153 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

It was the aim of this pilot study to (1) initiate 4 regional stable schools focusing on animal health with in total 19 German organic dairy farms and to assess the farm health status using animal-based indicators as basic information for the stable schools, (2) to evaluate the implementation of measures and improvements of herd health within the three year project period, and (3) to assess the farmers’ perceptions regarding the stable school concept. In total 123 measures were regarded useful by the host farmers after the group discussions. Metabolic state and udder health were most commonly addressed. The participating farmers showed a positive attitude towards this tool; they appreciated the joint search for effective and feasible measures and evaluated the self-determined approach in the stable school as highly motivating. Accordingly, the compliance regarding implementation was high. More than two thirds of all recommendations were implemented partly or completely. The degree of implementation was similar to the level achieved in other intervention studies using a face-to-face advice. Across all farms, average herd size increased significantly, whilst milk yield and herd age did not change during the project. Cleanliness of the cows improved significantly; other health indicators remained unchanged. In all nine farms which had implemented measures to improve udder health, the somatic cell score decreased significantly whilst treatment incidence for mastitis and antibiotic drying-off did not change. At the same time the percentage of cows with a somatic cell count of ≤ 100.000 increased as well as milk yield increased. These findings provide evidence for improvements of the health situation in organic dairy farms in response to farm-individual intervention measures through the stable school approach which was well received by the farmers. Stable Schools may therefore regarded as a valid advisory tool, which helps to address the variable demands of farming.

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Excutive institution

Department of Animal Sciences

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