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Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Collaborative project: Reduction of ascosporic inoculum of Venturia inaequalis by removing leaf litter to replace copper-based fungicides in organic apple production


Project code: 2809OE108
Contract period: 15.10.2010 - 31.12.2016
Budget: 111,757 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

The apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in organic fruit growing is a major problem associated with this disease in order of quality and yield losses are different approaches to reduce. As part of this collaborative project is focused on the overwintering stage of the pathogen in the foreground. Hibernation site is mainly the fall foliage. Even on a winter wood is possible, in practice, however, plays only a subordinate role. The aim of this project is targeted phytosanitary measures, as to be removed by the selective use of mechanical methods, the fallen leaves as inoculum from the plant (leaf blowers) or to reduce mechanically in order to promote decomposition and thus a more favorable condition for the Apfelschorfregulierung in to create the following season. The investigations of this project be carried out in experimental systems with schorfempfindlichen varieties and are identical at all locations. At the beginning of the long shoot monitorings investigations are carried out in order to capture the Ausgangsinokulum of the apple. The trial plots are divided into two areas; an area with annual leaf litter removal, and an area in which remains the fallen leaves. On the experimental plots, the population densities of earthworms collected in the tree row and in the driving lane in order to quantify the influence of leaf removal on the ground floor life. In both areas, six different plant protection strategies are being tested. Basis of crop protection strategies are the experiences in the framework of an ongoing project 06OE324 'Developing a strategy for the reduction of copper use in organic fruit growing in the Apfelschorfbekämpfung' were made. Schorfbonituren next to the trees of the experimental plots at the end of Ascosporenphase or in the course of further growing and harvesting to be parallel over the Ascosporensaison captured in the existing plant inoculum. The determination is made on all projects across central leaf litter at the LVWO vineyard. To capture the effects of the infection Inokulumreduzierung strength will continue to work with container plants that are deliberately placed in a defined period in the plants and subsequently in the greenhouse.

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Excutive institution

Horticulture Centre (KOGA)

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