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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Collaborative project: OPDIS - Open Product Data Information System – Subproject 4


Project code: 2816700710
Contract period: 15.06.2012 - 14.06.2014
Budget: 299,477 Euro
Purpose of research: Experimental development

The increased availability of smartphones has allowed users to access product information from any place and at any time. Unfortunately, many mobile apps are restricted to price comparison checks or have limited interoperability. However, the large number of users in this domain shows a strong interest of consumers for accessing product data while they are in front of the product. This concept may be transferred to many domains including food and cosmetics. The OPDIS project aims in easing the creation of those types of mobile applications. It will provide the creation of an option product information system allowing apps to access product and producer information and allowing app developers to create a wide range of product information applications. The project will concentrate on three main components: OPDIS-KNOW will produce an open information system, while OPDIS-FRAME will produce a mobile framework for accessing it and OPDIS-APP will demonstrate its usage.

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Excutive institution

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