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Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

VICE - Vector-borne Infections: risk based and cost efficient surveillance systems



This project contributes to the research aim 'Risks'. Which funding institutions are active for this aim? What are the sub-aims? Take a look:

Project code: 2811ERA247
Contract period: 01.04.2012 - 30.04.2015
Budget: 114,839 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

The overall project aim is to build a framework for surveillance of vector borne diseases, including a selection of methods which can be applied. We aim to develop a warning system that is transparent and easy to apply from a national management point of view. This warning system should direct an active surveillance system that targets the discerned risk situation. The framework should also advise on the optimal surveillance, for this specific situation. The framework gives an overview of the essential steps required for evaluating surveillance systems for vector-borne infections. This means that it needs to take account of vector specific issues like climate variation, seasonality and vector ecology, but also needs to take account of livestock (host) densities and import risks. An early warning system looking for increased risk will be developed that takes account of the above. In increased risk situations active targeted surveillance can be advised, specifically focussing on the risk situation at hand. The framework will be made available to others by publication in scientific journals for broader use than within the developing teams only. This project is directly relevant to the overall aim of EMIDA in co-ordinating focused research on major infectious diseases of production animals at a European level. The project draws on a skill set that extends beyond national boundaries, and addresses a problem that is relevant for most European countries.

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