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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Collaborative project: Early detection of insect pests in silos by accustic methods. Subproject 2 (InsectTab)


Project code: 2814801111
Contract period: 01.09.2014 - 31.10.2017
Budget: 119,333 Euro
Purpose of research: Experimental development

"The aim of the funded project was to develop a system for early acoustic detection of storage pests. Insect sounds were recorded and analysed to enable species-specific detection. The results should lead to an acoustic detection system that enables farmers/storage keepers to detect infestation at an earlier stage compared to conventional detection methods in order to minimise damage. By detecting the pest species, a targeted treatment with beneficials can be carried out, i.e. the use of natural enemies of storage pests can be significantly improved. The acoustic damping properties of various cereal species, the disturbing noises occurring near silos, and the species-specific sounds of storage pests, were investigated.
The system developed on this basis is able to differentiate between storage pest species and density with high accuracy. Within the project, tests with a trap-detection combination were also carried out. This method has the decisive advantage that the number of sensors to be installed can be reduced to a minimum as the pests are concentrated at one point."

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