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Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Concept for the Reduction of Sooty Blotch Disease - Determination of the Biological Parameters under West European Climate Conditions as the Basis for the Development of a Disease Prediction Model


Project code: 2806OE323
Contract period: 01.07.2007 - 30.06.2010
Budget: 208,067 Euro
Purpose of research: Applied research

In this project the infection biology for sooty blotch (RFK) was characterized with the aim of optimizing both disease prediction and control strategies. It was worked out, that the main fungus, which is responsible for sooty blotch symptoms is Peltaster sp., in both regions 'Altes Land' and 'Bodensee' and over three years (2007 - 2009). Other fungi of the sooty blotch disease complex and the fly spot fungus Schizothyrium pomi don't play an important role concerning the severity of symptoms. In both regions sooty blotch causes losses only in organic apple production. A settlement of orchards by RFK cause takes place at first from the outside, then can be carried, however, during the next years by endogenous inokulum. Fruit mummies play a role as endogenous infection springs. Several field trials to investigate the conditions for infection and disease development shows that T-stage of the fruits (BBCH 74) plays a role in the pathogen biology as around from this stage infection can occur. Sooty blotch infection is possible over the whole season and there are no clearly defined high risk infection periods. The total infection incidence that develops by harvest is dependent on the time that the apples are exposed to weather conditions and spores. When the infection occurs later in the season, the fungus has less time to colonize and spread. The severity of infection is closely related to time between infection and harvest. For spreading the fungus need precipitations, but also morning and evening rope is sufficient. When the first symptoms occur, the necessary wetness hours for incubation become shorter, from round about 250 to 150 hours. The fungus is able to outlast regardless dry periods of several weeks. Interestingly, there are clear differences among apple varieties in sooty blotch susceptibility. The reasons for these, need further investigations.

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