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Information System for Agriculture and Food Research

Information platform of the Federal and State Governments

Frucht macht Schule (School Fruit Scheme) - Innovative marketing strategies in the field of community catering

Contract period : - 2014
Total budget : 1000000 Euro

Besides food retailing the out-of-home-market is the main trading area of the food industry in Germany. The increasing importance of school meals as part of the out-of-home-market adds up to new market potentials for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) of the agri-food business. To optimize the current supply system of the EU-Schulobstprogramm in NRW GIQS and the University of Bonn will collaborate in eight work packages for three years. At the beginning of the project the superior cooperation and the initiation of all activities will be planned. Afterwards innovative solutions for marketing and quality assurance for fruit and vegetables will be developed. The third period will primarily focus on know-how transfer and the implementation of the obtained results. This project, promoted within the framework of the NRW-EU Ziel 2 agenda “regional competitive ability and employment 2007-2013 (EFRE)”, is coordinated by GIQS. It has a capacity of about one million Euros. In cooperation with the University of Bonn (FoodNetCenter Bonn, Kompetenzzentrum Gartenbau) the current supply system of the EU-Schulobstprogramm in NRW will be qualitatively analyzed. The main objectives are to develop economic and qualitative relevant concepts to optimize the process and the quality of provided fruit and vegetables. In addition recommendations for an appropriate treatment as well as storage shall be worked out. Within a pilot project the achieved solutions will be implemented and finally evaluated.

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