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Overview of project management agencies

BMBF - Sustainable Land Management, module A (LAMA)

Funding programme

Eligible costs: Investments, Personnel, Consumables, Conferences, Travel, Other, Subcontracting
Project management agency: Project Management Agency in the German Aerospace Center
Funding institution: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Framework programme: BMBF - FONA (Research for Sustainable Development) - Research Framework Programme for Sustainability
Structural goals: European Integration, Interdisciplinary cooperation, Cooperation with the practice, Collaborative projects

To meet the challenges of regional and global changes, innovative concepts and strategies of land management and the necessary knowledge base, technologies, instruments and system solutions are required. The purpose of this funding programme should therefore be to initiate research that contributes to sustainable land management in accordance with the objectives of sustainable development strategy and climate change goals of the federal government of Germany. The promotion program includes the modules 'interactions between land management, climate change and ecosystem services' (Module A) and 'Innovative system solutions for sustainable land management' (Module B). Module A is predominantly international / European-oriented and based on a specification of the thematic relevance to the research questions. It is divided into two main areas.

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Projects of the funding programme "BMBF - Sustainable Land Management, module A"

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